Random Pictures From And Ramblings Of A Fool

So...years ago I was very active on here and was asked to just write a book...when I try I can write in a way that reads smart like but accessible...people like to read the way I spin a yarn.

I have often though about sitting down and writing it all down. What each stage is about. How I have done it various ways. I have failed doing it every way out there.

I told somone 2 days ago I would write a book. I just get too busy. I was always a computer geek, good at math horrible at English. Because I wasn't stimulated right. Now I like to write. I do tech stuff at work and don't want any of it at home.

I could probably spend a week filtering through my old posts from back then and make a book after some edits.

I am just too lazy and there are tons of books by qualified people. Mine would be ramblings from a sort of self taught street grower. You can get books from real scientists on this stuff. Mine may be entertaining but I am not by any means a horticultural expert.

What I do is bring it down to and easily accessible level is all. I am white trash at heart. And I want people who don't speak English to understand. I want quality weed to be grown everywhere to lift the entire market up. And I hate hearing about newbs wasting money in so many ways. When honestly you can get great reaults for cheap.

If I can help to increase quality and increase supply...Yay! That is great for me.

I had some 31% the other day. Nice to be in this market.
Well and my father was a farmer from a long line. Pioneer trail family. I was the first city born.

And early on...around 24 I had a partner who had a degree in horticulture. He was a buddy from school. I went to an ag school, and he had always shown me things. Then we got this place and grew.

He taught me a lot of book knowledge. He had advanced degrees and I got the lectures of a life time about what I was doing wrong.

We eventually split when we had to shut down over night.

We did lots of experiments and breeding at a perpetual rate. Fast and mad.

That was 20 years ago... and I learned a lot since then.

So I had grown like a newb for a while. Got schooled by a scientist. Had a go at it. Then dabbled ever since. Took a long break after a move because I could get it dirt cheap and it was still sort of illegal to grow in Oregon. You could get a medical license but that is a commitment. As soon as it was legal however I set up a hydro system and got back at it.

The way I grew back in the day was less complete but basically the same. I grew the same way that big one is done with a simple 3 part soil and tea and some fertilizer. Now I don't need any ferts but some calcium early on...ussualy nothing more.

Nothing changed on the soil side of growing accept now I am trying to make super rich compost.

Hydro is like always comming up with gimmicks to beat flood and drain. I tried top feed RDWC. It works. It turned off.

In large enough scale it helps a lot. But not for the plants really.

Anyway...now I am rambling.

My pants by the way are being real babies about my mistreatment.

And they show a problem that is not a problem. But the symptom is a defficiancy which looks bad.

I was going to correct it this morning but instead I want to see this progress. I want to see if it is what I think it is.

I am running on a well. I have never grown on this well before. This is my first run on this well...I am testing the raw water. I can fix this any time.

I have also done some things to cause stress. So they sort if stunted and I want to just leave them be and see what happens. I may add some plain well water today. As I havent watered them in those pots really I transplanted with minimal water which is not nice of me and didn't give em much. It is dry now but the leaves are fine.

I am expecting when I do water these take off and I should hopefully see no more issues. I am hoping I dont need to add the supplement. I bought for my condition.

I will water today a bit and then if that doesn't help I will feed what they are asking for in a few days. So I wont water a lot now just enough.

I would prefer to understand my well water now. I should not have to filter this and it should provide better water for soil than most. I have done some testing of it. This is the real test.
So just puttering around unpacking and I may have just run into some seeds I made. Well...I know I made them but was it an accident or in purpose. I keep all kinds.

But the bottle is very old and I can't remember ... which doesn't mean much. But it is an oxy bottle from the 90s I got from a doctor for a real injury...so must be something special from the old times.

So I will try and get one of those going to see what I have here. There are few hundred in this bottle so I kept them for a reason.

I have some righteous old sativa skunk cross that I would love to try now. Hopefully I found it... This has got to be something I grew.

So trying to get 2 to sprout currently.
I just picked up some 33.1%. Last night . Gonna be a good wake n bake.

I wonder how high this can get. I was chatting with my wife about I ... like this cant get to 50% THC on the vine.

I always figured around 33 was the max you could get to. What would bud look like if it were half THC?


Anyway Dwight was talking bout ways they grow so I assumed that mine would be sort of entertaining.

I grew up in Oregon but after college worked in Nor Cal for a long while and grew there for a good time. Then moved back here and have only done personal since.

But I have been on huge farms in both states and seen a lot more than one may imagine. And killed off more than my fair share of bad grows.

I know how to break the weed.

And I know what they teach you in school is wrong. Farmers know more than scientists on certain things.

I happen to be an engineer who has professionally done science and discovery. I also have a farming background. I have a background in cannabis growing as well.

So I have the experience and the know how to solve the problems.

No magic... no guru... am a scientist and a farmer by trade and upbringing. That is just a good recipe.
So true, and look what we have in forum.
SweetSue on medical sharing her knowledge with her whole heart, and then people, educated in the field, knows less than she does.
I was watching a few classes, and always thought I need to gather info... Until I realised, read sue's threads, that's the only education you need!
There is no knowledge better than the one built on experience.
That is why I love reading your posts.
You remind me of @TorturedSoul, a man full of knowledge and intelligence.
He trolls me constantly. Sue hates me. I am an outcast. I don't dont care. She told me once because I dont like enough posts I am not a good forum member.

I am not here to make freinds or win contests.

People here are pushing a lot of hog wash. But most of the time it is entertaining.

I came here looking for help once...saw what was going on...took a stand.

I don't care what people think of me what is going on is wrong.

I dont have TV service. I am not normal.
I came here looking for help once...saw what was going on...took a stand.
I can't believe anyone hate you for taking a stand, and Sue for one, to hate someone... Must be a misunderstanding.
You are full of knowledge and you share that, maybe you are "a little rough at the edge" but not too bad...
Otherwise I wouldn't talk to you :)
Yup...I get it all, I ain't a spring chicken.

They aren't involved directly with why I am here.

Sue is a community corner stone and does wonderful work period. She does not like the way I choose to treat people on this website.

TS just enjoys proving me wrong no matter how small. That is a personal thing he has going on. I don't think he really is a bad guy. Just a lot to learn.

He did something recently...it all stopped and he stopped messing with me. The moderators got involved. All my post being monitored again.

He stopped trolling me...been much nicer.

I am used to the moderators censoring me. That happens a lot. Much of it my fault by posting things in violation of policy accidentally... but everyone does it and mine get censored. So people like to report me.

I don't care I take it as flattery.
We are totally alike. But he doesn't have any respect for me.

I don't care. I am not here to try and impress him or make him happy. He can correct me all he wants.

He stopped. That has been nice...I don't want to talk about what happened it is fine it is over he is leaving me alone now. Nuff said.

But honestly... probably those are the only 2 who grind me on here and you brought it up. Sue is mature enough she avoids me and I avoid her and all is fine.

Those are the only 2 who really have gone after me who are still around. I mean I could list a long pile of people on here I pissed off. I don't do it intentionally but I am not going to lie about stuff to strangers who don't matter.

Why do I care if you think I am an ass for explaining "that to cause your problem you had to over feed to a point that was obvious for 6 weeks. It is obvious and you stared right at it and kept over feeding the plant thinking it is beautiful until you killed it because everyone tells you that is beautiful."

And I am the ass LOL.

(Telling them it is beautiful when it is a week from toxicity is a common thing on here.)

That also is not why I am here, which I will not explain. But...the very poor advice on here leads me to see a big problem IMO. One that helping newbs get off to a good start should help.

That's all...let's help newbs not make mistakes that lead them to crash grows or waste money on hype and things they don't need.
Well, I point out too if I see something wrong. Someone might write... Aa beautiful.. And I see a potential problem.. I have to say what I observe.
Maybe they just feel you are coming down hard, you are not the only one though.
But, if you are right, it will show in the end.
When we are newbies, we are more sensitive, I was too. (not that I am an expert grower now) but I know I will grow with more confidence next time.
Why do I have to treat people like they are 8 and on a soccer team and need participation trophies.

Growing cannabis for most people is highly illegal and dangerous. This is not a place for the weak.

This is not for children...this is an adult game. You must be this high to get on this ride and be successful.

Yup people don't like my tone. Well...if the post all had great advice I would have nowhere to piss people off.

I saw one I guess yesterday I think you were on. This guys pulls up some technical paper and claims "Science"... and then the paper talks about exactly what you were talking about. So this guy missunderstands a paper and claims he now has scientific evidence that what we have been doing in all of indoor gardening...not cannabis but all indoor greenhouses...is false and useless. All professional gardeners in all fields do this thing. But this guy has a paper he posted that is science.

I was too stoned to respond. It was too stupid of an argument.

And the polar bears are all fine too.
The flush or not to flush? Before harvest?
If yes, I still think I need more facts about that, before changing my mind.
I love discussing how to grow. It builds my confidence in me as a grower.
I read your posts and I know I can shoot a why?! question and will get a straight answer from you.
The problem in that case is he is making a political claim that there is a right and wrong about something global after showing data about an aspect.

The conversation itself is much more complex than people give it. They think they have the answer because one facet of 14 was explained.

The funny thing to me is the argument and why people brains turn off when they talk about some things.

So for example yesterday is this post this newb talks about harvesting tops first then the bottoms cause they did a newb grow.

Bla bla they go "I get it so I do this and that add a bunch of nitrogen and bla bla to get it to grow again."

I was like no no no...totaly the opposite. You harvest in a way that is harmless so the rest keeps blooming. Don't reveg it.

Like the guy had it all figured out till his brain did a 180.

In the case of Hydro finish flush there are a lot of proven techniques for various incramental improvements. Often times those are to repair incramental defficiancy in the process though.

The real issue is are you talking about a clear out flush or the long night flush. Or both.

But in all of that your brain has done a 180 and is thinking about it backwards.

Up until then...you are in some respects...some more than others...forcefully growing it. And then you do a 180 and say I don't know what happens now but I can pray.

What happened because like a week before you were telling the plant to do what you wanted...why stop? Are you not in control?

Is the long night something really anything special? Does the plant know this is the last night so do something?

Why not just treat it nice that last night and be happy you finished.

All the real issues all the flushing stuff is about is due to over feeding.


So like if you feed correctly and the leaves get eaten by the plant you dont need to flush?...um yup that is the point.

Over feeding has created paranoid people because some people really mess up their grows and get told that looks great...overfeed till the end and then flush.

Okay. That is just madness.

Flush...don't flush...whatever... Just don't confuse it with a real flush.

The thing is if you grow it in a way that is overkill you can't fix it overnight. You just have to cure it right. That's all.

People have tried lots of things. I think juice was the first thing trying to get it sweet. Then they started making the flavored sweeteners.

That gets confused with flush which has nothing to do with a propper flush and people have no idea what now we are talking about.

And lore gets made.

And science to debunk one thing makes people stop doing what experts know works.

I understand what you say, in general I too prefer to be in a gentle tone because arguing is just ugly.
We can chat here as much as we like..
So no worries :hug:
People argue with me. I know it is a 2 way street but I am pointing out the obvious only. And they argue. They can do better in hydro. Bla bla.

Like the flush thing...it is ridiculous how much hype people put into the argument that is illogical to begin with.

So you want to take a side on an argument that makes no sense. Okay have a great day. I just explained that you cant fix it and how bad it is depends on how poorly you failed to follow propper bloom procedures. So the worse you grow...the more of an impact you may see from doing this. Incramental gains from making mistakes.

Or grow it correctly and not worry about it. Give it some clean sugar water on its last night because guess what... no more photosynthesis...is that so hard to grasp?

"No more nutes can be used." Stuff does happen at night with nutes but this is it. We dont even want that happeneing we just want the results of what they make producing resin from sugars. It has one night left. All it can use to do what we care about is sugar... how is this not understood?

You run it low ppm the last few weeks and sugars at the end...how unclear is this? Like plants are not hard to understand. If the sugars don't help, then you did an outstanding job. The plant was dialed. They are scavengers and like the sugar the last night.

Some go the other way as they don't want to extend cure. That would be some data I would like to see.

I don't mind the wait
Anyway I don't think my plants like the well water here too much but I am not certain yet why. It could be a simple issue as I have grown well on much worse.

The nice thing about fabric pots is you can dry them fast. So I pulled the towels and ran the fan down to dry it out and heat it up. Put the fans right on the pots and that dries em out fast ussually. Then I can give em some propper water with sugare and some cal/mag and some silica pHd right.

The issue I am seeing I think is it doesnt have the roots yet to support the growth and is not an actual defficiancy but just going too fast. Sort of like being root bound.

Drying out and a dose of real water will help.
LOL...and then there is MY well water. Which is a whole nutha thing.

Water from an aquafir is filtered water full of natural minerals which are fantastic for us and the plants. But the balance may be whack... like lots of iron. People take iron pills for breakfast having it in your well isnt bad...or calcium. I grew up on a well and the dentist love my teeth. Impervious.

But the balance may be off and need some adjustment. Or just filter it all out but I love it for myself.

Real water is water I make for my plants. Not just tap water like a newb like I used.

This is my first grow here and I am using just tap on soil that is not living yet. I am testing it and seeing what comes out defficiant to see how my water works.

The plants are doing some interesting things. I see this all the time but not to this extent.

I have done a bunch to shock them accidentally including changing locations from inside my house to my tent and changing lights 3 times and transplanting them poorly.

I dont mind stunting them ...but they sort of stopped a bit. Then started scavenging from the leaves to grow new stuff. But the leaves were way too big for their location. To early. They just blew out too fast accidentally catching some foliar madness I unintentionally did.

I was doing something to the soil and the babies got it.

So they are ugly but hefty for their size and missing a micro nute that is common to be short on in the very beginning. I often see this defficiancy in the begining and my soil is still cold.

But this time is real bad. And I think because of the way it is spreading... it is do to the leaves growing too fast from the kelp food before the roots could be big enough to support the micro nute needs.

I bet all of this goes away in a bit as there is pleanty of slow new growth happening. Tight nodal spacing now. But really ugly growth all over. Thick and bushy and ugly. They were nice ...built nice. Now being scavenged to build new.

I need to get a good run of water through but there is too much there now as I just watered.

So dry them out. Then do a good watering...maybe filtered water.

I am certain I can make this work unfiltered I just need to know if it is missing stuff or my bad growing.

The best way to tell is run the water straight from the tap on a good program and see what happens. If you have good soil, which I don't, you should need little adjustment.

It is probably me though. I asked too much of them over to short of a span. And this water may be pure and need stuff.

Most well water is full of good stuff.

I live on a volcano. Everyone around me has high sulfur in the well water. I have none. My water is rather pristine. I have a well near a river so I may have tapped an underground stream.

I have no idea yet what my water really is like. Hence the test run on ditch seed.
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