Ready yet?


Well-Known Member
So I am ending my first week of really questioning the readiness and wanted to get some advice if possible. They are in 7th week of flower and starting to go downhill with leaves dying. Took a couple new pictures as close as I could. If you can tell great if you can’t thanks anyway never hurts to ask. I know there is a lot of info out there but it is still hard being my eyesight is pretty bad. Strain Sour Cheese I don’t know a lot about what level I like yet but shooting for 65% Amber on the hairs and or 100 percent cloudy trichomes I think anyway. Anyway if you can tell anything when I need to harvest tbh one of the girls isn’t looking the best and can’t hold on much longer so hoping it’s close


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I think the dying fan leaves are part of the process as the buds develop, I'm sure someone more experienced will verify.

Looking good.

I’d say you have about 2 weeks left based on the new pistil growth, but you can’t know for sure unless you look at the trichomes. You can get a good USB magnifying scope on Amazon for about $20. They have WiFi ones too that you can connect to your phone. Can you take a picture of the whole plant so we can see the leaves? Also what medium are you growing in? What is your PPM and ph? What nutrients are you using? There are a lot of factors that contribute to leaves dying off and don’t want to assume it’s because the plant is finishing. Read the sticky post How to ask for grow support. It gives an example of all of the information you should put in a post. If you answer all the questions on that example it will give us more information to help you with. Good luck on the grow. I looked up your strain and it’s sounds really good
So it’s week 7 as mentioned and I read it’s usually 8 weeks for this strain so one more week? I know some already agree just double checking
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