Reminded of why I smoke!


New Member
H:thanks:ey folks! It is so very dry, and we are between crops. It's been two long weeks without smoke of any kind. My hubby and I smoke in the evenings and with certain company. We are in our thirties and don't get high all day anymore. But, those couple of puffs at night are truly medicine. I am reminded of why I smoke every night now. Ever since I was very young, I have been plagued with vivid, terrible nightmares. They have returned with full force. When I can have a couple puffs before bed, I notice that my dreams are still vivid, but they are much more insightful and sometimes really very wonderful. Now, I try and stay up as late as I can, trying to postpone the nightmares that I know are coming. Does anyone have any ideas or antectdotes that I might have a safe night in the mean time? I have tried a glass of wine, Tylenol PM, Camomile Tea, and I even went as far as a vicodin...which made it way worse. Any and all ideas are welcome as it looks like this dry spell will last awhile.
Desperate in Desperate Times.
Earls: do you know what the root cause of your nightmares is? I suffered nightmares similar to what you describe for years as a younger man/adolescent. Mine came from an incident in very early childhood that left me scarred for life and revolved around utter helplessness on my part. The dreams bought that helplessness back to me over and over. Horrible. Forget sleeping.

Canabis has helped me enormously, but before I found it, the only way I could sleep nightmare-free was to go to bed with a weapon close at hand. For me, a survival knife under the pillow did the trick.

PLEASE know yourself before trying this, though. Sleeping with any type of weapon immediately to-hand like this is potentially DANGEROUS to you and those around you.

Do you sleepwalk? Are you likely to wake up with the weapon in hand and no idea why? Do you awaken severely confused or have other mental issues that might cause you to attack a loved one without realizing it? Think it through! If the answer to any of those questions is yes, this method isn't for you. Some people can sleep like this, others cannot. It helped me enormously for years, but there are major potential safety issues, and it's all on you if something does go bad :-(

All that said, I really hope you can find a non-Cannabis alternative until you can get respplied. Being out sucks...bad. Wishing you all the best and a faster resupply than you think possible!
Im sad to hear that you suffer from nightmares, I agree that you should attempt to find the route cause, when you do youll be amazed at how easy it was to stop the nightmares, Itll probobally just involve a very hard think. Im not sure I condone sleeping with a weapon... your husband might not be so keen on that idea either :)
I am an insomniac myself, I spend 4-5 hrs trying to get to sleep each night when not 'medicated', about 30 secs when I am. The way I see it is theres nothing wrong with using it on a daily basis if theres no better natural alternative.
Hope you get your hands on some soon,
All the Best
I have had nightmares since I was a child. It has been diagnosed as an over active imagination. I do have anxiety and depression, but nothing I need pills for. The nightmares seem to be the one thing I haven't found a way to suppress without marijuana.

Thank you both for your insight. I don't think a weapon would do bc my dreams don't seem to be soothed by a feeling of comfort or security in the conscious state. Once I am asleep, my dreams take over. I awake every night in a panic, and sometimes I wake my husband up so that he can hold me. I am so appreciative of this site, and people like you. I live in a state that makes me a criminal for using what actually helps, so I don't really open up to anyone here. This site makes it possible to correspond with folks safely. I appreciate all your sage advice. :)
Wow earl that sounds aweful!!! Im so sorryabout the nightmares and the shortage!!! Wow i just hate taking anything else other than just having a simple toke!!!! A great strain for those nightmare is Harlequin.. Its a hybrid... 75% sativa and 25% indica.... Its very high in CBD maybe up to is very low in thc ... Good luck my dear....
Sorry to hear about your trials. Dreaming is part of your sleep cycle so suppressing this part of sleep is not the answer and heavy pharmaceuticals are best avoided. I'm glad that MJ helps deflect the content of your dreams and some melatonin may help. Consider mediation or self hypnosis you may be able to lessen the effect of these dreams by calming yourself down. (But hugs are nice to) My wife is Bi-Polar so I know the how important good sleep is. I'll consult with my fried Google and think some more. St Johns wort may help with the depression. Do you lucid dream? Anxiety and depression could be a result of your night mares.
Hang in there
St. John's wort is actually something I use, and it is helpful when my depression is at it's worst (in the winter). Yes, I have had lucid dreaming. :) I am one of those rare people with whom hypnosis is useless, meaning I do not allow myself to go into that state. But, meditation has been working a bit. For example, last night was my first night that the dreams were vivid and very odd, but not nightmarish, and I used meditation to achieve that. :) Pharmaceuticals make it way worse! It is a hellish experience to be locked in a nightmare I cannot wake from. Which is what happened when I tried Tylenol PM and the vicidin...won't do that again. I can deal with the odd, vivid dreams. These nightmares have just got to stop. So, it looks like I will be meditating until this dry spell ends. Thank you all for your kindness. If nothing else, the warm fuzzies are a god send. :)
Are the nightmares repeating? Lucid dreaming can be used to "adjust" the nightmares it just takes practice and timing. If you meditate you could do self hypnosis. When your in a meditative state make yourself a room in your mind's eye. It is always safe and totally yours. You can go there at any time, with practice it's good for those anxious situations and no one else needs to know you're there, even standing next to them. Put what you want in your room just keep it only for you. It's your private refuge. Hope this can help.:goodluck:
Try the melatonin just a little bit and is easy to wake up rather the the pharms. The whole staying awake routine adds to your anxiety. A peaceful sleep is the goal. Next we'll look into that seasonal distress disorder, but there is time for that. How do you do in crowds? MJ (my wife) sends a hug. She Has been through the ringer with her Bi-Polar and is praying for you as am I.
PRAY! and then, right before bed tell yourself that your going to have a good dream and think of the most happy experience you've had. Believe in the power you posses and go to sleep knowing you'r gonna be all right. If for some reason you still have this nightmare, try to recall it and figure it out. The only way to get rid of your fears is to face them. :goodluck:
Wow Earl--

I really feel for you. I wish I had some advice to give but I don't. But I do have plenty of hugs to give. I do agree about the meditation though. My thing is that I never remember my dreams unless they are nightmares and I have trained myself to wake up when it happens. Mine usually evolve around zombies but I chalk it up to playing a lot of Resident Evil....I will keep you in my thoughts and wish you sweet dreams.
@dadums: The lucid dreaming happened in my youth. I would LOVE to experience that again. I do ok in crowds, but sometimes have pretty serious anxiety while standing in lines, Any line. It could be in the grocery store, at a concert, it doesn't seem to really matter. I rely on my husband quite a bit when it comes to social situations with people I don't know. Meaning that I tend to seek him out to make eye contact with even while I am in conversation with someone else. When I meditate, I call on my bear medicine to feel protected. I really hope your wife has a more peaceful night, and wakes to find her day tomorrow much more balanced. Thank you both for your prayers as I send you and her my positive energy, and prayers. Let this night bring us both peace and a steady tomorrow. Thank you, my friend.
@oscarmojica and QueenTokeLove: I so very much appreciate your insight and well wishes. I cannot tell you how much it has helped to have such an out pouring of support from here. It is still dry here, but I go to bed with a smile every night after I have read all of your responses. I will hold you all in my thoughts and prayers tonight before I lay my head down per chance to dream wonderful, peaceful dreams.

Dream with me tonight, you beautiful people! Much love! :)
Dream with me tonight, you beautiful people! Much love! :)

Funny, you should say that. My religion, Wicca, we believe in doing things in dream state. So, if you don't mind, I would like to try a few things to see if I can help. Or offer you a few suggestions. I know it sounds crazy if you don't follow it but believe there is certain things that could possibly help. It surely can't hurt. I hope I am making sense because I am a lil buzzed right if interested send me a PM....
Ah! Yes, I was raised Wiccan. :) Now, I combine Shamanism and Wiccan traditions. I am very interested in what you may have in mind. I am not allowed to PM yet. I don't have 50 posts. LOL! But, I am not, in any way, shape, or form ashamed or timid about my beliefs. So, as long as you don't mind, I really don't mind it being public. Who knows who it may help. Thank you!

Blessed Be!
Well, Merry Meet Sister!

Then you have probably tried the things I was thinking about as far as working with candles and what not. I was not raised in it though my grandmother was heavily into but she died before I was born. But I consider myself a solitary, tried the coven thing and it wasn't for me. Have you tried sleeping with a hemitite stone, I think it is under your pillow? Nah, don't have a problem discussing it here just wasn't sure how you would respond.
Hematite is my stone! I have had hematite with me since very young. Yes, I have used candle majic always. Coven life is not for me, although my mom has always been. I, and I assume that you are as well, am a natural witch, solitary and just fine with that. :) We all have to follow our own paths, yes? Tonight, I will be meditating, lighting my candles, calling my bear, and wrapping myself in the love that has been shown to me from all of you! Such a wonderful community this is!

Merry Meet and Merry Meet Again! Blessed be! Sweet dreams to all of us!
Today is one of those days of now I know why I smoke. At the moment, I am out and things are getting very frustrating for me. Won't be out for long just a few days but man when I am dry, it is NOT pretty...Just saying. Can someone blow some smoke clouds over my way?
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