Reminded of why I smoke!

I know what you mean, i have to resort to seeing my friendly neighborhood dealer, Id really like to be part of a growers co-op but i guess an alternative is just grow more and store it well.
Bummer on the nightmares from someone who has had them as long as I can remember due to a fucked up childhood. Mix the terror you feel in the dream with the frustration of insomnia and I think you will have a good idea of what my life is like without MJ. My insomnia gets so bad that I hallucinate after being awake for 40+ hours (start seeing movement in the edges of my vision) and hearing voices (more mumbles then actual words). Since I cannot bring myself to break a bogus law, this is what I have found works for me...

Get in bed and lay flat on my back.

Do everything I can to control my breathing and heart rate keeping them both slow.

Start at my toes and fingers and force tension out of my body.

Clear my mind. Focus on an object ( I picture a ball floating on space, slowly turning and morphing in shape and color) and to not let your mind wander away from that object.

Have some type of white noise going. I have one of those sleep machines that sounds like a babbling brook.

Now, this may not put me to sleep but I get rest both mentally and physically. Some nights it allows me to sleep but the nightmares are still there. Other nights I just do this meditation for 5 or 6 hours and get out of bed. I do not feel the greatest on the no sleep nights but the ghosties do not visit the edges of my vision.

Best of luck!
Aw, I really feel bad for you, Keven. I am so sorry it's like that for you. Yes, I have used meditation and releasing tension from the toes up. I know what you mean about the ghosties in the corner of your vision and the mumbles, but thank Goddess it doesn't happen to me all that often.

I pray for a country in which we all can be free. When I say this, I mean that we are free to use an herb that grows and is used as is, with no chemical alterations, for our pain (whatever pain we experience and is helped by cannabis.) My drought here is over, and my dreams have returned to being sometimes intense, but not nightmarish.

I will be thinking about you, Keven, and hope you get some relief tonight. Rest is so very important to the body, as well as our brains. :)
It makes me sad to hear about your terrible nightmares, but I also feel hopeful that this is just another example of the versatility of our favorite medication. Sleep well! ;)
Well, I visited a "Free state" to see some family and partook for the first time in a while. I woke up after sleeping HARD for 7 hours and felt AWESOME! It was difficult to go home, leaving my family and knowing that I am back to the meditation and ghosties. Bummer.
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