Research Proves Marijuana is Not a "Gateway Drug"

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The surging debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana has brought with it the resurrection of the "gateway theory," which alleges that experimenting with marijuana leads to the use of harder drugs like coc*aine, her*oin and metham*phetamine. The gateway debate was reborn last week, thanks to a video of FBI director Robert Mueller testifying before Congress that marijuana should be illegal because it leads to more dangerous drug use.

Although the Mueller video has provoked amusement on pot-friendly websites, the unfortunate reality is that the "gateway drug" stigma continues to present an impediment to the reform of marijuana laws. A new Rasmussen poll found that a large percentage of Americans believe the gateway argument:
The new survey also shows that nearly half of voters (46%) believe marijuana use leads to use of harder drugs. Thirty-seven percent (37%) do not see marijuana as a "gateway" drug.

Revealingly, the percentage who opposed marijuana legalization and the percentage who believed in the gateway theory were identical, both coming in at exactly 46%. As we look for ways to persuade those who remain opposed to marijuana reform, it's clearly in our interest to work towards demolishing the pernicious gateway theory once and for all. Let's take a look at what the data shows.

In 1999, the National Institute on Drug Abuse commissioned a major study on medical marijuana conducted by the venerable Institute of Medicine, which included an examination of marijuana's potential to lead to other drug use. In simple terms, the researchers explained why the gateway theory was unfounded:
Patterns in progression of drug use from adolescence to adulthood are strikingly regular. Because it is the most widely used illicit drug, marijuana is predictably the first illicit drug most people encounter. Not surprisingly, most users of other illicit drugs have used marijuana first. In fact, most drug users begin with alcohol and nicotine before marijuana -- usually before they are of legal age.

There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs.

In 2006, the University of Pittsburgh released a more thorough study in which researchers spent 12 years tracking a group of subjects from adolescence into adulthood and documented the initiation and progression of their drug use. The researchers found that the gateway theory was not only wrong, but also harmful to properly understanding and addressing drug abuse:
This evidence supports what’s known as the common liability model, an emerging theory that states the likelihood that someone will transition to the use of illegal drugs is determined not by the preceding use of a particular drug but instead by the user’s individual tendencies and environmental circumstances.

“The emphasis on the drugs themselves, rather than other, more important factors that shape a person’s behavior, has been detrimental to drug policy and prevention programs,” Dr. Tarter said. “To become more effective in our efforts to fight drug abuse, we should devote more attention to interventions that address these issues, particularly to parenting skills that shape the child’s behavior as well as peer and neighborhood environments.”

Of course, the simplest refutation of the gateway theory is the basic fact that most marijuana users just don't use other drugs. As the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports:
More than 100 million Americans have tried marijuana; 14.4 million Americans are estimated to be "past-month" users. Yet there are only an estimated 2,075,000 "past-month" users of cocaine and 153,000 "past-month" users of heroin. [DrugWarFacts]

Clearly, people who use marijuana overwhelmingly do not move on to other drug use. That's why the number of people who use marijuana will always be more than 10 times greater than the number of people who use cocaine, heroin, etc. The fact that marijuana users rarely become involved in other drug use is right here in front of us.

Unfortunately, there is one important way in which marijuana use can result in exposure to other more dangerous drugs. Laws against marijuana have created an unregulated black market, in which criminals control the supply and may attempt to market more dangerous drugs to people who just want marijuana. As the Journal of the American Medical Association reported in 2003:
Alternatively, experience with and subsequent access to cannabis use may provide individuals with access to other drugs as they come into contact with drug dealers. This argument provided a strong impetus for the Netherlands to effectively decriminalize cannabis use in an attempt to separate cannabis from the hard drug market. This strategy may have been partially successful as rates of cocaine use among those who have used cannabis are lower in the Netherlands than in the United States."

Ironically, the only real gateway that exists is created by marijuana prohibition, yet proponents of harsh marijuana laws cynically cite the damage they've caused as evidence that the drug itself is acutely harmful. It's truly the height of absurdity, yet it persists despite the mountain of categorical data I've outlined above.

The point here isn’t just that marijuana isn’t actually a "gateway drug," but that there really is no such thing as a gateway drug to begin with. The term was invented by hysterical anti-drug zealots for the specific purpose of linking marijuana with harmful outcomes that couldn’t otherwise be established. Everyone knows marijuana is completely non-lethal, but if it leads to sticking needles in your arm, anything's possible. Through repeated use, the term began to stick and we're now confronted with a marijuana legalization debate in which 46% of the country believes an antiquated, widely-refuted fabrication that erroneously renders marijuana as deadly and unpredictable as anything a scared parent can imagine.

It's perfectly typical of the unhinged drug war demagogues that one of their most popular anti-pot propaganda points doesn't even actually have anything to do with pot. Their tireless reliance on such nonsense may go a long way towards explaining why support for legalization is growing faster than ever before.

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Copyright: 2008
Website: Research Proves Marijuana is Not a "Gateway Drug" | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
Gateway OUT Drug -- I have very up-close and personal experience which has proven that Marijuana can, indeed, be a gateway drug... a gateway OUT that is. At the risk of sounding crazy, I offer the following:

I started off with alcohol at a very young age. Funny thing is weed was much easier to get in junior high but, alcohol was my drug of choice. After all, NOTHING could get you wasted like alcohol. My problem drinking continued through college and into young adulthood, bringing disastrous consequences upon myself and loved ones.

So, approx. nine years ago I quit drinking with the help of marijuana and life has never been so beautiful. You see, when I medicate there is a little voice in the back of my head which encourages me to stay away from the bottle and reminds me how much better life is without drinking. I cannot explain it but, the voice is there... like a true friend who really cares about me. And, unlike any threatening intervention, draconian law, or authoritative scorn, I actually LISTEN to this voice and believe it.

I get very saddened and feel alone by the "gateway theory" anti-pot crusades and felt I had to spill my guts here. I am certainly no doctor but, feel very strongly that marijuana could help many alcoholics and addicts such as myself.

By the way, we have legal narcotic dispenseries all over my neighborhood called Pain Management Clinics which are spreading opiate addiction like wildfire. Prescription grade hero*ine, if you will. So, eventually the law will step up and close these places down leaving hundreds of thousands of hungry addicts. What then ? How are we to treat all these people ?

The answer just may be the voice of reason locked inside that magical green plant. Unfortunately, we may be the only ones who hear it.
thanks for sharing that. i too did lots of drinking in my younger days. i don't drink any longer. its not that i'm a non-drinker now. i just don't drink. Cannabis meets all the needs that drink did without the damage and it turns out is a medicine that helps to keep whats left of me going. there has been research into using Cannabis as a harm reduction tool. the reports are somewhere in medmj facts i think, its hard to remember but i know its there. hang on i'll check . . .

ok here it is:
Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol
Your story is very similar to programs which are currently in practice in Portugal, where all drugs have been legalized and are regulated by the government. Since the legalization of all drugs there, the drug figures have decreased amazingly, and there are programs which use marijuana to help people addicted to opiates and harder substances get off them. Some call it replacing one addiction with another. This may be true, but at least marijuana won't kill you, and does not radically chemically addict you. It is easier to get off of weed once on it from me*th, then just cutting me*th out with rehab.

Your story makes alot of sense, and hell, a whole country is doing it, and its working. Good article, and good story.
A while back I was thinking about what were my gate way drugs. If they were gate ways at all. I started smoking & drinking first. Then came coffee.

I was turned on to MJ by media coverage of the hippy thing in the late 60's. so it would be rather difficult to say that MJ was my gate way.

IMO the real gate way is curiosity. Mix in the forbidden fruit aspect & walla! Also MSM coverage & peer pressure can be factors in the gate way hypothesis. Net result: I could not wait to try grass.

The gate way thing regarding MJ is a crock. Hope gov drug warriors read this. They are so far behind the curve...

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