Running out of aqua flakes A and B week 6


New Member
So im in a soil medium using house and garden aqua flakes and all additives. Using aqua flakes cause i got it for free as a sample i was in soiless but was getting defeciencies so switched to soil and continued the nutes...
My concern right now is that im in week 6 of flower and im about to run out of the A and B i was wondering how much this would or wouldnt impair my grow.
Im thinking about switching to advance nutrients for my next round and if need be will use sensi bloom A and B now to supplement with the additives i have now...
The next round i will only use AN but just want to finish the nutes i have.

So curious if you think its dire to have the A and B aqua flakes for the final two weeks or if i can squeak by just using the additives.

Or if not if i buy the sensi bloom from AN will it be okay to mix with some h and g additives to finish off this round...
Any input is welcome
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