Sad day for me~~


New Member
I guess your'e wonderin why I'm sad~~
I had this friend~~was that person who
got me stoned the first time:smokin:
We were the best of friends~~but when
I met my wife~~who is my world~~We
jus had a very hard time gettin my friend & wife to
get along with each other~~It got to be too
much~~& my wife & had to end contact with
that person~~I felt bad then~~but in some
cases~~ya know you gotta do wat ya gotta
do~~I never spoke to her again~~nor did my
wife~~& the years went by~~many times
we thought we wanted to try & start again
with this person~~but it never happened~~
So~~yesterday~~I found out my friend died~~
I feel like crap now~~We have to live forever
with the choices we make in life~~I'm very sad
PEACE OUT:peace:
So sorry to hear this, my thoughts & prayers go out to you.
Thanks Guys/Gals~~I'm so grateful for the understanding ears right now~~
I'm really hurtin~~I don't know what I can do now~~'cept perhaps
smoke 420 in remembrance of the good times we shared~~wishin that
perhaps my friend could only feel the bitter/sweet high that I felt~~
when life was good~~& For I was a lil younger~~a lil higher~~& a
lot dumber those have taught me life's lessons~~
Yes that was indeed sad to hear.
Whenever you smoke man, you can remember how much your friend enjoy smoking. You will no longer be smoking alone, you remember that!
I'm sorry that has happened. my prayers go out to you. know some things happen for a reason. Maybe it was meant to be that way. Don't beat yourself up. Smoke one to remember her.
You're right about living with the decisions you make. It seems like it was the best option to have chose in pursuit of a closer marriage. I'm sorry you had to hear such terrible news and I hope the best to you through this difficult time. Just remember all the good times you DID get to enjoy with this person.
Again~~thank you all for the kind words~~its
been 'bout a week since she passed~~&
I've finally been able to be at peace with
things~~Strange thing happened~~her
sister came to gather up her stuff~~&
I stopped to talk to her~~she's kewl
people~~& she happened to find my friends
pipe~~one me & my wife had bought her
so long ago~~& her sister gave it to me~~
I cleaned it out good~~now I feel I
somethin that'll always be a special
way to remember our buddy~~
memories are all weve got. as long as we keep those we love in our heart they will never be dead. everytime we think of them again they live.
much love
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