San Diego Grand Jury Investigation

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The San Diego MMJ community needs your support... We finally have the mainstream media requesting our story, and a possible grand jury investigation!

Eleanor Yang Su, staff writer with the San Diego Union Tribune has been newly assigned to the "medical marijuana beat" and is considering writing an article about the possible San Diego Grand Jury investigation into the County DA's denial of safe access and the 09/09/09 terror attacks on our community. She has requested copies of complaints that were sent to the Grand Jury after the 09/09/09 attacks. I've sent her the complaint that was sent to all of you on 09/16/2009, now she's requesting more.

Mainstream media support is crucial to our success in this ridiculous battle for safe access.

If you sent a letter to the Grand Jury, please attach your letter to a reply of this ASA email or email directly to

If you witnessed Grand Jury members at the Medical Marijuana Task Force meeting please reply to this email with your recollection of the event(s) or email directly to

Thank you for your continued support!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please call Marcus with San Diego ASA @ 619-540-7172
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