

New Member
Hey I think i got screwed by this one dealer. My scale broke so i can't tell for sure if its a quarter ounce. Any ideas. I usually don't buy a quarter so if you got a pic it might help.
A paper clip weighs one gram, hold seven of them, then hold your dope, feel the same?
D_Money0383 said:
Nice thanks guys. Just so happened i just went and used my buddies scale but thanks for the help.

Well!??!?! Did you get ripped off or not!?!:hmmmm:
lol the suspense is killing us. guess ill just have to spend the time waiting doing something... :bongrip:
its like a fix

we neeeed to know mannnnn
comon mannnnn
isos 42o said:
I think a 2 finger width worth of weed in a ziplock/sandwhich bag is about right.

Used to be the standard for 1/2 OZ when no scale was around.
O sorry guys I got real high last night. Forgot all about it. No i didn't get ripped off. It was just some real dense bud. I smoked some last night and it is some real good shit. Thanks for the help. Sorry to keep you waiting.
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