Second Grow, First Journal

Heavens Relic

New Member
Hello everyone I started a journal way back when I was first getting started but I never finished it and eventually it was closed thankfully I stuck with the grow and was able to finish it (not well) learning plenty of new things along the way. I have kept growing since and I've stuck my foot deeper and deeper into the pool! I'm already 29 days into this second grow before posting this journal. I've always shy'd away from making a journal just because I don't think I could keep up with you weed guru's!
Anyway here is some of the progress so far.
I started these little seeds (which I picked up from Crop King..) wasn't to happy with the service but that's another story.. I germinated by leaving the seeds in distilled water for 15 hours then into the moist paper towel method for another 35 hours to find all the seeds showing tap roots . I placed the seeds into just some cheap seed starting soil from Home Depot. They're currently under a sun blaze t5 fluorescent light fixture undergoing 18hours of light/6 hours of darkness. I'm about a week in at this point when a few of these solo cups start to get a bit big. I started thinking of a good soil right and ended up heading towards HP pro-mix. After the transplants into 2 gallon buckets.
I've also germinated another 6 seeds and plans to add a 300W LED are in the works! I should have mentioned my strains are
Sour Diesel Feminized
Sour Jack Feminized
White Widow Feminized
Candy Cane auto flower
I'm a forgetful guy -♂️
the LED light is up and I can't wait to see the results out of this. The new seeds are in soil and I'm just patiently waiting for them to sprout up. I'm just trying to keep my hands busy. In my last grow I felt like I wasn't doing enough. I'm glad I got a lot of startup costs out the way but I've learned that with this hobby it's a bit of a investing game. Invest 200$ here and there for lights/seeds and reap the beautiful rewards later! I'm currently running a Blue planet nutrients line with a bit of cal-mag on the side.
mind you guys I'm already 29 days into the grow and just trying to get the journal up to speed.
Looking good...sorry if I jumped the gun on you, by not allowing you time to get all your particulars posted.

I see you've got yourself quite a line up...and you're using 5 Gallon Buckets, which I'm assuming you're doing because you're going to grow some monsters...I'm looking forward to your journal.
Thanks CannaCountry! Looking forward to hearing everyone's feed back on my grow. At this point in the grow the pervious little seeds that had just been germinated and planted have now grown up and are all showing great leaf sizes and they're ready for solo cups after those little Jell-O shot cups (I didn't have any solo cups and I knew they didn't need to much space for a day or two so I just tossed them in those. Those 6 are now in the correct solo cups with yet again another 6 seeds undergoing the germination process at this rate it looks like I'm going to be throwing up my second 300w Led because space in the closet is getting tight and hot!
At this point in the grow all my seeds I germinated are starting to sprout and I have a solo cup fiasco on my hands
I'm being sure to keep myself very busy this grow! I have big things planned. I had to get out of that tiny closet I was in I had an led and the compact fluorescent and things were just getting to hot and humid with all the small vegetive life in that little space. So I've since used a spare room that I had in my house that was only used for storage. (Sucks this room has carpet but I'll just be extra careful with spills, luckily I'm not growing hydroponic.)
I forgot to turn the led off before snapping these pictures so it's extremely hard to see the growth progress but everything aside from one White Widow is looking good. Here's the way I setup the new two led lights
and you guys are all caught up now! This brings my plant count to around 2 dozen.
At this point in the grow all my seeds I germinated are starting to sprout and I have a solo cup fiasco on my hands
I'm being sure to keep myself very busy this grow! I have big things planned. I had to get out of that tiny closet I was in I had an led and the compact fluorescent and things were just getting to hot and humid with all the small vegetive life in that little space. So I've since used a spare room that I had in my house that was only used for storage. (Sucks this room has carpet but I'll just be extra careful with spills, luckily I'm not growing hydroponic.)
I forgot to turn the led off before snapping these pictures so it's extremely hard to see the growth progress but everything aside from one White Widow is looking good. Here's the way I setup the new two led lights
and you guys are all caught up now! This brings my plant count to around 2 dozen.
I'm subbing in, looks like you are off to a good start, best of luck to you...️
Girls are looking good. The four biggest plants ( two white widows, a sour jack, and a sour diesel were topped today.) in running out of space with all these solo cups starting to get really big really quick. I may flip these four into flower a little sooner than I would have liked.

Cheers guys. Until next time.
Good Morning Heavens,

Certainly your little one doesn't seem 100% pleased, but I wouldn't sweat it. I'd give it time to try and grow through the issue. Sometimes, our soils / nutes can goof up a little one for a bit until they get off and running. All your other plants look fantastic, so I wouldn't deviate too much from what you're doing. My only thought is to be sure you're allowing the soil to dry out fairly well between watering. All in all; everything looks darn good.
Thank you all for the comments and taking the time to read through my journal.. I've since purchased a ph pen and I did check the runoff ph of this funky white widow and it was high.. thanks for the pointer and good call!
Everything is still growing happy. Just in cruise control right now. No major changes but I have plans of buying a tent. Any recommendations guys? I have a budget of 100$-150$.
Finally an update worth posting over. I've purchased some cal-mag plus and got a free mammoth P sample bottle from my local hydro store! . I've also finally managed to get my ballast, cool tube, bulb, and exhaust fan all out of my closet and setup in my new tent which I purchased very recently!
it's a 4x4 tent that I'm pretty happy with. I finally flipped those plants that I talked about flipping like a week ago into the new flowering tent! I didn't want to flip them without having anywhere to set them up. Finally got that worked out, also got some LST training going on. With this new hps light running in the room with the combination of all the Two leds and a small T5 temperatures are kicking up into the 90's in the room and 95 in the tent .. this means I have a new problem on my hands.
Anywho everything is looking great and here's some progress pictures for you folks.

Any comments, thoughts, recommendations, opinions are very welcome and I would love to chat with you guys! Happy growing! ...
Little update. The girls are loving this tent+hps. They're looking good and I'm training them out pretty good. Blue planet nutrient line is working really great on them ..
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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