Seedling help? Photos of them not doing so well


Well-Known Member
Background -
1x 60 day wonder auto - DNA genetics
1x green poison auto - Sweet seeds
1x Pineapple Express - Barney’s farm
indoor grow with green fingers grow tent 80-80-120cm with 450watt LED
18-6 light cycle
Premium soil - Bunnings

Ok so they germinated in 3 days and sprouted from pots so I put the pods into there forever pots with the LED
But 2 of them are looking strange and I have no idea how to fix it
How much water should I be giving them?
Could this of happened because of the humidity dome they previously where in?
Thanks guys


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How much water should I be giving them?
They look plenty moist, so stop watering for 2-3 days and see how they do. From the pics (in focus) they look like they want to live...overwatering them is an easy way to rot out their developing roots, killing them. Temps are important at this point (75-85F)

They look plenty moist, so stop watering for 2-3 days and see how they do. From the pics (in focus) they look like they want to live...overwatering them is an easy way to rot out their developing roots, killing them. Temps are important at this point (75-85F)


Yeah I was thinking I may have watered them wayyyyy to much during germination

Thanks for your reply mate
Hey guys!!
I thought I would share a few update photos
Weird outcome
1 thriving
2nd not doing to bad looks a bit weak
3rd looking like its stuck out a window with 100km winds hahaha growing sideways ‍♂
I’m hoping it’s going to come strong
I’m not sure what to do there


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I'm not sure what light it is but that's roughly 14 inches the light could probably gooing further up a bit at this point they don't need a crazy amount. Do you have a fan running? What is your medium?
Thanks for the reply mate
Yeah Cool I’ll raise the light up a bit, I’m not running a fan, should I be ?
I’ve had the side flaps open for airflow
Humidity seems to sit around 65-75%
I’m using preimium potting mix from Bunnings
Here is the link
Overwatering plants- particularly seedlings - is a common error. Let seedlings dry out a bit and search for water as they are developing roots. If the soil is too damp seedlings gs are prone to “damping off” and other fungal/ bacterial problems caused by overwatering. General hydroponics have a product called mineral magic which I use for minerals and sprinkle around the base of main stem (prevents damping off and promotes health stem growth. As far as the light is concerned, if it’s a true 450 watt LED, that’s a powerful light to have such a short distance away. Raise to at least 60 cm whilst they are very young, 40-50 during veg, and around 30-35cm in flower (each LED is different- follow manufacturers advice).
Finally, it’s always good to have a light breeze over your plants - they love it and it helps grow strong plants.
that soil has little yellow balls ? , that tells me it has built in nutes , so that means you water you feed and if its hot you cant flush as you are still feeding and its getting hotter , that soil can be a killer to babies , it also looks barky ? but could be the pics
ps meant to say if they are in this soil get them into plain compost or something with no built in crap , then you should have less worries over your grow , more control , :snowboating:

Ahahah that might explain a few nute problems I had towards the end of my previous grow
Thanks for the reply I’ll go out tomorrow and get some new stuff
Ahahah that might explain a few nute problems I had towards the end of my previous grow
Thanks for the reply I’ll go out tomorrow and get some new stuff
Ahahah that might explain a few nute problems I had towards the end of my previous grow
Thanks for the reply I’ll go out tomorrow and get some new stuff
Maybe putting under some smaller lights for a week or 2 then back to the big onei always thort rule of thumb wasNo nutes first 2 weeks and small wattage first 2 weeks
There are plenty of very experienced growers that will help you thru

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