Serious problems growing, please HELP

New Member
I am a first time grower and i encounterd some problems, first of all my plant is growing very slowly, I started about 38 days ago and see how it looks...
I get yellow tips on all the leaves, the lower leaves are paler and curling a bit down, the bottom leaves dried out completly and the stem is also turning brownish... i dont know what i'm doing wrong
i am using an MH 250W light, 18 hours on 6 hours off ,the light is 30 cm above the plant.. my closet is 160x60x60 cm, to keep a temp of about 26 i keep the door opend and have a regular standing ventilator from the outside and a small one from the inside venting. i water once a day, at first i watered with tap water which i mixed with a substance that lowered the ph to about 6.5 ph but then about 2 weeks ago i switched to mineral water(today i found out that it has ph of about 8 and i know that it's too high for him), i bought organic soil used for the growth of ordinary plants(is that ok?)

I included a few pics of my plant... please help him!


PH at 8 is too high, try using distilled water and get your PH to 6.5
Hogdady may be correct. After that long you should have a pretty decent size plant. The soil looks toxic to me if the plant is still that small. A pH of 8 is high and will cause nute lockout. Also, did you call your plant a "him"? If that's the case there's no reason worrying about it. Lol. If you really want to save this plant try bringing down the pH and if in a week that thing hasn't exploded with growth you should think about starting fresh. Sorry, bro.
First of all, Thanks everyone for you quick replies:)
If I cant start over fresh how can I still save my plant?only bring down the ph in the water? or could it be that the soil has high/low ph and that's also interupting the growth?(I bought the soil from a gardening shop)
all I did during the growth period is water it, i didn't use any fertilizer, shold I have? should I start now?
Was there any kind of nutes in the soil? The only thing I can really think of is nute lockout or the soil is to hot for the seedling. (by hot i mean nutrient rich). If u got some decent soil and started over you wouldnt be out much. I've had plants as big as yours after 8 days of growth. If you still want to save him, get some clean pH'd water and flush the soil. See how it looks after a few days.
You over watered your plants. You should only be watering about once a week in soil.

First thing you should do is stop drowning it. Once the plant has enough air to breath it will bounce back.

Depending on your soil you might not need to give it any nutes till flower, unless you've washed everything out of it by watering so much. So at this point keep the plant, stop watering till it needs it (should almost weigh as much as when it's dry) and wait.

No reason to start more plants till you can get this one healthy.

Great advice and nute burn sounds correct also. PH burn shows differently on leaves I think overwatering is it.
Next time use Pro Mix HP for soilless growing it is 100% correct and I add perlite and vermiculite just to tweak it. (both are already in tho)
+Rep to all
You over watered your plants. You should only be watering about once a week in soil.

First thing you should do is stop drowning it. Once the plant has enough air to breath it will bounce back.

Depending on your soil you might not need to give it any nutes till flower, unless you've washed everything out of it by watering so much. So at this point keep the plant, stop watering till it needs it (should almost weigh as much as when it's dry) and wait.

No reason to start more plants till you can get this one healthy.

so from now on how often should i water? i also planted a new seed hoping it will grow faster, how often should i water it? i read in a grow guide that when planting a seed i should always keep the soil damp, is this true? if so will it be ok to spray the soil with water every few hours?
Once a week is a bit extreme. You need to soak them down and feel the weight of the container. Check the weight everyday and feel how it lightens up. When the plant starts to droop, you know it is time to water. You should be able to tell the difference in the weight of wet heavy soil and dry soil. Try to get it so that you are feeding right before it would start to droop... Strains,soil type,container size and room conditions are going to determine how much and the frequency of watering's...
Find a watering volume that will result in ~10% runoff. That will assure all the soil in your pots is moist.

Like Irie said, the conditions of your growing environment will determine the frequency of watering. I'm using soil mixed 2:1 with perlite, ~45% humidity, and temps that range from 84F with lights on to 72F in the dark. My plants start to wilt past 3 days without a fresh watering.

Try watering every 3 days and see how they react. 2-4 days between watering is normal for soil.

As for the seeds I can't stress this enough: LESS IS MORE. My latest batch of successful seeds were given a water bottle cap full twice daily for the first week. That's around 1/2oz of water total for the day. Seeds have everything they need to survive in nature provided they don't dry out completely. It's much easier to kill them via over-watering.

Best of luck!
Once a week is a bit extreme. You need to soak them down and feel the weight of the container. Check the weight everyday and feel how it lightens up. When the plant starts to droop, you know it is time to water. You should be able to tell the difference in the weight of wet heavy soil and dry soil. Try to get it so that you are feeding right before it would start to droop... Strains,soil type,container size and room conditions are going to determine how much and the frequency of watering's...

:cheer:Best advice in the world from one of the my favorite members:cheer:
Take a look at who is signed into your thread and what the advice can achieve. We at 420Mag are here to spread Cannabis info worldwide so even a small time gardener will be able to enjoy gardening their own meds. Why should we pay Big Pharma thousands a month when we obtain better results from what we can grow ourselves.
I have to start off with DNA's LA Confidential..


Thanks Be Irie, Best wishes to you and yours! I hope this is OK?

Mr duck I hope you do not mind me posting photos on your thread but I wanted to show you how we at 420Mag all pitch in to give encouragement, lend expertise and genuine care about our membership. After you are proficent maybe you too will "Pay it Forward?"
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