Should I add LED/flourecent/HID

I appreciate everyones input. I think im gonna go another led given my current situation/setup and living arrangments. Once i get my grow room built ill prob look at better lighting setups
Wrong again.

No, you're wrong , and you haven't taken the time to read the numbers, so go do that before you attack people who did read them.

I've been running some of my mars led's for well over 5 years now and not one diode has failed.

Like I said twice now, it's a lucky draw, but that doesn't change the fact that Epistart diodes are low grade LED's that only covert about 35% of the power to photons in the 400-700nm range.
You'll find tons of posts about faulty blurple panels and burned out diodes on this site.

I know that you hate led's but I have grown with both HID's and LED's and I can tell you that my grow area stays much cooler without "noisy fans".

Please read posts before anwering.

Do you think I would have taken my time to make a thread about building LED lights if hated them?

So did you take the fan(s) out?
Otherwise you have at least one +40 dB fan running when the lights are on, and that's noisy if you have to live next to it.

Also me electric bill is much less with LED's so your scientific crap is just that,CRAP.

Have you done a side by side grow with the light as the only different parameter?

Using less power usually results in a lower power bill, but it's just not a complete equation when you don't measure output. Anyone can claim that X=?....

Bottom line, the PPFD readings says it all, it's not a matter of opinion or subjective experience, but a matter of comparing numbers.
Wrong again.
I've been running some of my mars led's for well over 5 years now and not one diode has failed.
I know that you hate led's but I have grown with both HID's and LED's and I can tell you that my grow area stays much cooler without "noisy fans".
Also me electric bill is much less with LED's so your scientific crap is just that,CRAP.

Here are some photos of my last grow under 2 300w Mars LED panels.These are Nitro Lemon Haze


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No, you're wrong , and you haven't taken the time to read the numbers, so go do that before you attack people who did read them.

Like I said twice now, it's a lucky draw, but that doesn't change the fact that Epistart diodes are low grade LED's that only covert about 35% of the power to photons in the 400-700nm range.
You'll find tons of posts about faulty blurple panels and burned out diodes on this site.

Please read posts before anwering.

Do you think I would have taken my time to make a thread about building LED lights if hated them?

So did you take the fan(s) out?
Otherwise you have at least one +40 dB fan running when the lights are on, and that's noisy if you have to live next to it.

Have you done a side by side grow with the light as the only different parameter?

Using less power usually results in a lower power bill, but it's just not a complete equation when you don't measure output. Anyone can claim that X=?....

Bottom line, the PPFD readings says it all, it's not a matter of opinion or subjective experience, but a matter of comparing numbers.
Stop pushing you "expertise".
I really don't give a damn about any of what you're saying and find it jibberish.
I grow with cheaper LED panels and I get good results PERIOD.
I have one passive intake fan and one exhaust fan,plus a smaller fan for air circulation.
I don't have a problem with any noise and my fans run quietly.
I am happy with my set up and will run many more grrows with it.
I have added a 1,000w LED recently as well.
So Mr. expert I really don't care about how or what you grow with.
People hate know it all's and that's how you are coming off here.
Stop pushing you "expertise".
I really don't give a damn about any of what you're saying and find it jibberish.
I grow with cheaper LED panels and I get good results PERIOD.
I have one passive intake fan and one exhaust fan,plus a smaller fan for air circulation.
I don't have a problem with any noise and my fans run quietly.
I am happy with my set up and will run many more grrows with it.
I have added a 1,000w LED recently as well.
So Mr. expert I really don't care about how or what you grow with.
People hate know it all's and that's how you are coming off here.

So you're the ultimate source all should measure by rather than actual science?

If you haven't noticed there are noisy fans inside your blurples, and some people don't want that.

Wow, I just went from hating LEDs to being an ''expert'' know it all, do always shift that desperately when you're proven wrong?
How do you know what people hate, are you some sort of omnipresent authrity figure who's word is law?

It's not about how anyone is coming on here or there, it's about actual scientific facts, so go read a book or shut up already, you're just throwing out the same opinion out again and again without bringing anything to back up your claims.

You're just repeating what the sellers say about their lights, and you have to believe salesmen, right...

You're either working for a blurple company or just ignorant and unwilling to learn new things.

Why are you posting pictures of plants? We all know they will grow plants, which I also said many times, just like I said I've grown with that exact light myself. How about coming up with some facts to support your claims?

You haven't added a 1000w LED, you have added what a company trying to make money, calls a 1000W LED which surely doesn't draw 1000w, try checking the specs on the stuff you buy...

You're seeking out a confrontation with me about LED and you don't even know the basics, come on dude see the writing on the wall already...
Guys, I was the first to respond to this thread and immediately recognized this was gonna' cause some debate!

Well, brace yourself, Brother, because everyone will have a different opinion on which light is best.

Quite simply, what works best for one grower in one situation may not be best for another. This is largely a matter of one's individual situation and trade-off's made based on budget, space, heat, grow style, existing investment, etc.

I would urge you to read my Lesson #1 in What The Good Growers Already Know: Top 5 Lessons For New Growers and tone down the debate, a little.

I've been using LED's for years, but am not an LED "bigot", by any means.

I've also often repeated what I once read, which is, "you don't grow trees with LED's". LED's simply don't have the penetration into the canopy as a HPS, for example. But, you can get rock-hard nugs in a SOG or SCROG setup with a decent LED. The newer, higher wattage diodes today have much better penetration than the old 1w chips. And while I have had some failures over the years (usually a controller module that takes down a whole "bank" of lights), the warranty service I've received has been stellar, even AFTER the warranty has expired!

I would agree that 1,000 ACTUAL DRAW watts on either a HPS or LED will generate about the same amount of heat. I would also suggest that of the 1kw, more USABLE light is being emitted from the LED while the HPS is penetrating deeper into the canopy and giving better coverage being raised a higher distance above the plants.

With unlimited space and unlimited budget, I'd take the HPS over the LED's. But for my specific situation, the LED's have been fantastic and I personally have no plans to change anytime soon.

Reasonable people can disagree and still be agreeable! ;)


Guys, I was the first to respond to this thread and immediately recognized this was gonna' cause some debate!

Quite simply, what works best for one grower in one situation may not be best for another. This is largely a matter of one's individual situation and trade-off's made based on budget, space, heat, grow style, existing investment, etc.

I would urge you to read my Lesson #1 in What The Good Growers Already Know: Top 5 Lessons For New Growers and tone down the debate, a little.

I've been using LED's for years, but am not an LED "bigot", by any means.

I've also often repeated what I once read, which is, "you don't grow trees with LED's". LED's simply don't have the penetration into the canopy as a HPS, for example. But, you can get rock-hard nugs in a SOG or SCROG setup with a decent LED. The newer, higher wattage diodes today have much better penetration than the old 1w chips. And while I have had some failures over the years (usually a controller module that takes down a whole "bank" of lights), the warranty service I've received has been stellar, even AFTER the warranty has expired!

I would agree that 1,000 ACTUAL DRAW watts on either a HPS or LED will generate about the same amount of heat. I would also suggest that of the 1kw, more USABLE light is being emitted from the LED while the HPS is penetrating deeper into the canopy and giving better coverage being raised a higher distance above the plants.

With unlimited space and unlimited budget, I'd take the HPS over the LED's. But for my specific situation, the LED's have been fantastic and I personally have no plans to change anytime soon.

Reasonable people can disagree and still be agreeable! ;)


That is my point exactly.
There is no need to argue whatever works best for someone.
Everybody grows differently and if they're happy with the way they grow then leave it there.
I was just trying to give the op some advice and then this guy just chimes in and walks all over this thread.
Then he just can't be satisfied with leaving it alone and has to have the last word on it.
By doing that you have accomplished nothing since no one wants to hear what you have to say anymore.
I didn't even read his last post since I could care less what he has to say anymore.
Guys, I was the first to respond to this thread and immediately recognized this was gonna' cause some debate!

Quite simply, what works best for one grower in one situation may not be best for another. This is largely a matter of one's individual situation and trade-off's made based on budget, space, heat, grow style, existing investment, etc.

I would urge you to read my Lesson #1 in What The Good Growers Already Know: Top 5 Lessons For New Growers and tone down the debate, a little.

I've been using LED's for years, but am not an LED "bigot", by any means.

I've also often repeated what I once read, which is, "you don't grow trees with LED's". LED's simply don't have the penetration into the canopy as a HPS, for example. But, you can get rock-hard nugs in a SOG or SCROG setup with a decent LED. The newer, higher wattage diodes today have much better penetration than the old 1w chips. And while I have had some failures over the years (usually a controller module that takes down a whole "bank" of lights), the warranty service I've received has been stellar, even AFTER the warranty has expired!

I would agree that 1,000 ACTUAL DRAW watts on either a HPS or LED will generate about the same amount of heat. I would also suggest that of the 1kw, more USABLE light is being emitted from the LED while the HPS is penetrating deeper into the canopy and giving better coverage being raised a higher distance above the plants.

With unlimited space and unlimited budget, I'd take the HPS over the LED's. But for my specific situation, the LED's have been fantastic and I personally have no plans to change anytime soon.

Reasonable people can disagree and still be agreeable! ;)


I agree with you on using HPS over LED's since you're getting more true wattage and I understand that.
Yes,I know that LED's do no put out the true wattage from the diodes and that the wattage rating is based on total wattage that the whole unit pulls,including fans and drivers.
Even with all of that in mind I would run LED's since I have a hard time controlling the heat where I'm growing so it's better for me to grow with the LED's.
I currently have 3 600w HPS lights sitting in my garage that are not being used at this time since I have heat issues right now.
Perhaps I should have explained all of that at the beginning then perhaps we wouldn't be where we're at now.
Where I used to grow at a different house I was living in I was growing in a room that was air conditioned so I was able to run HPS and I got great results.
Heat is the biggest draw back for those lights.
That is all I have to say on this subject.
I agree with you on using HPS over LED's since you're getting more true wattage and I understand that.
Yes,I know that LED's do no put out the true wattage from the diodes and that the wattage rating is based on total wattage that the whole unit pulls,including fans and drivers.
Even with all of that in mind I would run LED's since I have a hard time controlling the heat where I'm growing so it's better for me to grow with the LED's.
I currently have 3 600w HPS lights sitting in my garage that are not being used at this time since I have heat issues right now.
Perhaps I should have explained all of that at the beginning then perhaps we wouldn't be where we're at now.
Where I used to grow at a different house I was living in I was growing in a room that was air conditioned so I was able to run HPS and I got great results.
Heat is the biggest draw back for those lights.
That is all I have to say on this subject.

Actually, the "less-than-honest" LED manufacturers will put, for example, (80) 5w chips in their light and advertise it as a 400w light (80x5). But, when you hook it up to a power meter, you'll see it's only drawing something like 250w from the wall. This is because the LED manufacturers don't drive their units to full wattage to reduce heat (cuts down on cooling requirements/fans) and extend the life of the components.

So, if you compare that 250w you're actually drawing to a 250w HPS light, the heat generation will be about the same.

But, the LED's are comprised of bulbs only in the spectrums that are usable to the plant, while the HPS puts out spectrums that the plant doesn't use, so more of that 250w is usable with the LED.

However, in order for the plants to benefit from that usable light, they need to be relatively close to it while, with the HPS, buds that are further away from the light will get more of that usable spectrum because of the LED's inability to penetrate the canopy.

I hope that helps!
Actually, the "less-than-honest" LED manufacturers will put, for example, (80) 5w chips in their light and advertise it as a 400w light (80x5). But, when you hook it up to a power meter, you'll see it's only drawing something like 250w from the wall. This is because the LED manufacturers don't drive their units to full wattage to reduce heat (cuts down on cooling requirements/fans) and extend the life of the components.

So, if you compare that 250w you're actually drawing to a 250w HPS light, the heat generation will be about the same.

But, the LED's are comprised of bulbs only in the spectrums that are usable to the plant, while the HPS puts out spectrums that the plant doesn't use, so more of that 250w is usable with the LED.

However, in order for the plants to benefit from that usable light, they need to be relatively close to it while, with the HPS, buds that are further away from the light will get more of that usable spectrum because of the LED's inability to penetrate the canopy.

I hope that helps!
Thank-you and yes that helps.
I have seen some very impressive yields from LED grows,even the cheap ones and they can give you some very nice yields,you just have to know what you're doing and how to use those lights to your best advantage.
Not a huge fan of build your own,I'm more of a plug and play kind of guy so that's pretty much where I'm at on this whole thing,that's all,peace
Mars Hydro lights use Epistar chips and Cree chips, as our customers feedback, Cree chips never burn out. Most of our lights use Epistar chips, some burn out, some also never burn out, so I think it is not only the problem of chip brand, but also the problem of using enviroment, electric current,lens...reflector series led is affordable with stable quality, maybe you can consider it : Mars Hydro Reflector LED grow light - Mars Hydro
I was just trying to give the op some advice and then this guy just chimes in and walks all over this thread.

No, it's the other way around, just look back in the thread

YOU are the one walking over this thread, I gave my piece of advice in a single post, and YOU started to confront me and I merely retliated to your on going false claims.

YOU confronted me saying I was wrong, and you've been caught not knowing what you're talking about, and now you try to wash your hands and talk about what other people like and don't like, I bet they don't like that :)

Then he just can't be satisfied with leaving it alone and has to have the last word on it.

YOU kept coming back and attacking me with non-science and, rather than actually debating the subject.

YOU keep attacking me again and again, and I can't leave it alone?

YOU are trying to mislead people, trying to get them to buy crappy 2009 lights, come on it's 2018 dude, I have a computer and a cell phone from 2009 for sale, any takers?
No, it's the other way around, just look back in the thread

YOU are the one walking over this thread, I gave my piece of advice in a single post, and YOU started to confront me and I merely retliated to your on going false claims.

YOU confronted me saying I was wrong, and you've been caught not knowing what you're talking about, and now you try to wash your hands and talk about what other people like and don't like, I bet they don't like that :)

YOU kept coming back and attacking me with non-science and, rather than actually debating the subject.

YOU keep attacking me again and again, and I can't leave it alone?

YOU are trying to mislead people, trying to get them to buy crappy 2009 lights, come on it's 2018 dude, I have a computer and a cell phone from 2009 for sale, any takers?
who gives a rat's ass.
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