Should I harvest? I need input and opinions


Active Member
Hello, so I'm currently growing a few plants, all started at the same time from seed so idk why one is so much faster, but anyhoo, the time has come that I think I should harvest. However this will be only my second harvest and the first one a few months ago, could have been better, but that's not why I'm here. I have not kept weekly track like I should have so Idk how long exactly she has been doing anything, but she was seed straight to flower, I wanted to do it quick to try it out since it was a awesome strain that I got seeds for. Now she's flowered beautifully but I'm a little unsure if I should harvest now since pics I've seen she's purple and mines nooot purple at all. Which makes me think I should let it go a little longer, so I want opinions. Big buds on the tops she does have, covered in trichomes and alot of brown hairs although it looks like some white ones may still be popping out, I gave a good sledgehammer flush 2 days ago and want to transfer her to dark time before actually harvesting but I'm hesitant, relating to the first plant I ever harvested. Anyhoo, check out the pics and let me know what you guys think, thanks :)

Strain: peyote gorilla



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Hard to say for sure but looks like it is in the window, most trichs look cloudy to me, but it’s hard to tell, and the purple could just b a different pheno type so I wouldn’t go by that, by the way looks damn good
Thanks, yea the ones I can see all look cloudy, this tiny thing is hard to use though, I'm going to have to try and find another one that's better or at least easier to use without my face shoved into the plant. And I thought the purple would be cool since that's part of the reason I picked it but if it don't, it don't, I just didn't know if or when it would happen like if it's a sign of any sort. And thanks :) I think she's beautiful and stinks so good
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