Should I put these girls into flower?

I should add that yes the Mar TS600 is also a great option but would be better suited for you as a flowering light, which I feel like you have covered for now. The reason I suggested the BudgetLED light was because it is cheaper and more suited for vegetative growth. If it were me I would eventually end up running the Budget Series 2+ for the veg tent and either a Mars TS 1000 or Budget Series 2 or 3 Red spec 130 for flowering.
Hey guys. Just an update. I ordered the Mars ts600 and they already charged me so I’ll be keeping that and running it along side my mars 300 so I’ll have some burple and some more life like lighting in the flower cabinet.

For the new veg cabinet I removed the one mars 300w and set it up in there. Temps are holding good as well as humidity. Will be cloning the ak47 later this week.

New cabinet all set up....


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Hey guys...just wanted to give an update.

It’s second week of flowering for the gorilla glue and she’s Definitely stretching. Temps have been good but.....during the night the humidity has been getting up around 61%. During the day it’s down around 44-55% depending on how much the AC is on and the outside temp. Plants looking beautiful though.

As for the Ak47 this is now week 6 of veg. Lots of LST and tying down. I also topped it last week and she has now grown way more bushy as well as produced two other colas at the top.

I’ll be ordering some more computer fans to increase the intake on the flowering cabinet in hopes I can bring the humidity down....although I’ve been reading lots of posts that believe me to think I’ll be okay with these humidity ranges.

I’d like to start a journal and will tag those who’s like to follow. Anyways here’s some pictures of the girls...


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Yes and that’s exactly when you want to be doing it. It’s a version of high stress training. There‘s a group on here that do it and I stumbled across one of their threads recently, can’t find it now of course. It had a video by a guy Kyle Kushman that showed his way of super cropping and defoliating a plant, super informative. I think it would be perfect for what you have going on with that AK. It’s not an auto correct? High stress training is not for autos.

I know @multiVortex super-crops his from the creeping I’ve done.
Sorry I had you plants backwards until I just took a closer look and notice the one I was thinking was a good candidate for super cropping was the flowering GG. My bad, too much smoke tonight after work. Although do look up super cropping or at least watch that video. If I was growing photoperiod plants outside right now I probably would be super cropping. You can definitely super crop the AK still.
High stress training is not for autos.

I know @multiVortex super-crops his from the creeping I’ve done.

I run both autos and photos. To be short and to the point, I treat my autos like I treat my photos, but with a slightly less heavy hand when defoliating. Other than that, it's all pretty much the same. I'll top my autos and quadline them, just like the photos. If I need to supercrop them, I will. Need to trim some leaves off? Sure. Need to thin out some nodes? No problem.

The biggest thing with autos is knowing when and how you can fuck with them. For topping, you need to do it before then end of day 21 above ground. It's right past this mark where their veg takes off for a week or two and they blow up in size before they start to flower.

For defoliation and pruning, you absolutely can. You just need to do it lightly. What you may do in one session on a photo needs to be done over a few days instead with an auto. I tend to go every other day as needed, but that's the kicker: as needed.

With autos the biggest thing is closely watching the plant grow in veg. As long as the growth is still good and vigorous, you can work on them as needed. IF the plant is struggling a little bit, then you leave it alone. You don't go cutting (or topping) a plant that is struggling already. In that case you start LST instead of topping.

Do be warned though. The more you mess with them, the longer you'll extend their veg time. (Up to a point.) Typically an auto that's left alone will be flowering within month from the seed popping its head up and out. Give or take, but on average. Depending on how much and how often you defol/prune on them, you can potentially extend the veg time out to about 8 weeks. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but if one is growing autos for their "speed", then it would obviously be counter-intuitive to that goal.

Once they're in flowering, they're no different than a photo. Other than the light schedule, obviously. Same things apply to them in flower that apply to photos. Don't defol/prune during the stretch unless it's absolutely needed to help curb height with no other options. A defol after stretch to expose any shaded bud sites, as needed. And of course any fans you take after about week 5 of flower ain't growing back. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Autos born from good, solid genetics can take a lot more than most people think. Now several years ago there were a lot more sketchy genetics out there for autos. In those terms, absolutely don't mess with them. But now that most reputable breeders are putting out some really, really nice auto genetics, they aren't nearly as finicky as they used to be.
Sorry. Don’t mean to push your reply aside but I think my one plant is a male. The ak47. I’m worried it may have affected the other girl when they were in the same cabinet


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Yes that is a male. Did any of the pollen sacks open while still on the plant or did you pop that one open with your fingers? If they aren’t open you should be safe but if some are open already, you probably did accidentally pollenate your GG.
I opened that one in my kitchen. The plants are in the basement. That was the only sack I could find.
What would be the best method of disposal without disturbing the plant to much. Should I toss the fabric pot from this plant?
Also here’s some closer up pics of the gorilla glue. I really hope she wasn’t affected


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I don’t think you have to worry, you usually have a decent amount of time between the first discovery of the to the time they open. You seem to be keeping a good eye on them that it couldn’t have slipped past you more than a day before finding it.

I’ve only dealt with males in my outdoor grows and I would just chop them, put them in a garbage bag, and carry them out of the woods with me. I would say if you don’t see any pollen sacks open just get rid of the plant and wipe everything down. I’d still be somewhat careful taking it out and tossing but if the pollen sacks aren’t open I wouldn’t go over the top doing it.
Is this another one for fuck sakes on my gorilla glue?


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I don't want to pipe in, I really cannot tell, but like your journal, came a long way from deciding to flower or not. Sad about the AK47, I would not kill it, I would move the whole gun case to where it is safe and harvest some pollen for prosperity. Cheers
I don't want to pipe in, I really cannot tell, but like your journal, came a long way from deciding to flower or not. Sad about the AK47, I would not kill it, I would move the whole gun case to where it is safe and harvest some pollen for prosperity. Cheers

All opinions are greatly appreciated. Unfortunately this morning I bagged her up and cleaned up the gun case. I didn’t want to risk it. It was honestly super hard to do but I felt it was needed. I’ll be using a different bank for seeds next grow
I think I know what you are talking about with your GG, it’s the left stem on the first two photos you are talking about? It looks like an calyx to me with a dried red pistil coming from it. In the first two photos it’s hard to see the pistil but in the other photos it’s pretty clear they are all calyx with pistils.

Sorry about the AK, the males always seem to be the bigger better looking plants which makes it hard to do. Pollen collecting could have been done but I don’t blame you for not doing it based on the limited space you have and how close your male and female plants would have been something would have went wrong, or right I guess. Haha

I’ve been looking into different seed companies to buy from, even though I have too many already. I’ve ordered twice from Seedsman, one order has been delivered the other should be here in a week or so. Good prices, great selection, shipping is about 3-4 weeks, and a crazy amount of freebies and discounts. They were a sponsor but not anymore and I also know they aren’t taking new customers at this time due to demand. My last (second overall) Seedsman order was while they were still a sponsor here. I bought over $300 in seeds and ended up paying just over $150 between 3 for 2 and discounts, like stupid cheap. I ended up buying 46 seeds and getting 15 freebies. My first order was 21 seeds bought and 16 freebies during their 420 sale.

I’ve heard good things about a sponsor, Gorilla Seeds. I haven’t looked much at their site but from the quick look I had I would say they are right there with Seedsman on price and freebies.

There’s also a bunch of other seed sponsors we have but do some searching of the forums on here first, some do not have happy customers here whether it’s from bad genetics or poor service. Also look around for special 420Mag discounts most of the sponsors have for us before buying. I made the mistake of not using the 420Mag discount with my first Seedsman order by not looking first. There’s places with ok prices and selection but kick butt delivery, we’re talking a few days.There’s a lot of members here that are ok with limited selection and higher prices knowing they can get seeds this week and not have to wait a month for them to come overseas.
New issue I believe is an iron deficiency. Don’t know if it’s so bad that this grow is toast or not. I’m giving cal mag and some blackstrap molasses to see if I can defeat it....any other opinions or am I pooched and my weeds going to be garbage.


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