Should I switch nutrients to ripen?

I did 2 teaspoons to 1 liter when I first found Pm and it worked well. I now use Potassium Bicarbonate
I've been battling it for 2 weeks now was using white wash it worked but so expensive its not on my buds its on some the tips of the bigger leafs coming out of the buds I've also trimmed alot of the worse leaves that had it but definitely don't want to trim anymore on my 3 big plants my smaller plants just has spots on the leafs also I did the 3 :1 ratio on couple leafs it worked but seems strong this my first grow so still learning
Should i not spray the buds with the apple cider vinegar? My one hybrid plant thats more sativa has pm just everywhere on some areas but it started flowering 1.5 weeks after my other plants so buds aren't as big and still growing, I sprayed it pretty good couldn't help getting it on some of the buds is that ok ?
@Pennywise the 2 teaspoons off apple cider vinegar didn't seem to work with the 3 to 1 ratio is it ok to spray the buds or will it burn the white pistles hairs? Also on one of y pl t on one of the buds saw a brown spot bud rot rest of bud is ok guessing I should cut that spot out of the bud before it spreads to the rest of the bud?
Nvm had to cut the buds with bud rot going to inspect better in the day fuck that suckss bud smells so good and so sticky hope was just the tops of the 3 buds I had to cut stupid rain storm they were thriving before this rain storm goodthing starting to its sunny all week
Shake them really good after a rain. I would spray the entire plant or you’re just slowing them down. Not eliminating them.
ya sucks couple buds have bud rot don't get how though it wasnt in the rain it was completely covered , and ok it wont burn the hairs then, should I do the 3 to 1 or the 2 tsp in quart of water
@Pennywise does this look, ready to harvest? Just saw 3 nugs on this plant with bud rot also hoping there ready so can save what I can


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