Sick looking plant browning tips and droopy leaves - Should I kill it?


Active Member
Hi im a new grower on my first grow ever of some unkowns in 3 gallon smart pots under a 400watt hid set up with the temps and humidity at the golden standard i recently have amped up the cold air and drop the temp since i moved to flowering do to the hot hps between 70f to 85f. i am about to be in my second week of flowering i have used the mailining method which went great for one plant but not the other. i split the stem about 4 weeks ago and she hasnt been the same still steadly growing keeping up with her super healthy sister. i am using the fox farm trio and keeping the ph 6.5-6.7 i was hoping someone could help me become super healthy or is it too late and cut my losses and just give the rest of the space to my healthy plant? how much do yall think i can yield off my healthy looking on? or both if i keep them? Thanks for the help yall have been great help if it wasnt for yall i wouldve fucked up everything :Namaste::thumb: ill upload some pics of both
The decision as to whether to kill it an move on or to fix it has to do with your goals. Depending on your skill level you might be able to recover that in just a few weeks and then get great yield. Some people have a hard time fixing problems and it takes much longer. In that case it may be best to move on. Also if you have a crowded grow space and clones on the way it may be just as good to get on with it.

It also comes down a bit to how experienced you are. If you have been growing a long time and know what is wrong and what you did to cause it and don't need the learning experience then and again have plenty behind it to fill the space go ahead and toss it. If you don't understand those signs and don't understand how you messed it up then maybe the learning experience is good for you.

It looks like you tried to overcome a pile off deficiencies (caused by pH not lack of nutes) by adding more nutes and overdosing the heck out of it. Then you got some good water in there and the toxic soil was too much to handle. I mean you have a lot of different issues which usually implies it started as pH. Most people are using some sort of program that has most everything. So having multiple problems is usually not the nute program.

That may be wrong but you do show both some deficiencies but also a pile of various overdosing. So the answer is to do a deep flush with a good pHing at the end with enzymes and beneficial bacteria heavy doses with sugars in that last 5 gallons. Then over the week that the soil is drying back out the Enzymes microbes will fix anything you didn't flush and the microbes will get a stabilized balanced system running again. then the bad leaves will fall off in a few weeks and they will hopefully be replaced by new ones and in a few weeks you can start bloom.

What are the fertilizers you are using and what is your dosing concentration and schedule you have been following? What is the pH of your runoff compared to what goes in? How much run off do you get when you water or are you letting all the salts build up at the bottom of the pot?
Ok i started with just grow.big which is.where i went wrong i thought it would help since i split the stem. I am using the fox farm trio i am trying to yield the biggest that i can but also gain lots of experince. I posted some forums earlier but disnt get much help i though it could have been to much grow.big in one are at that point i wasn't properly watering my plant i would not fully saturate all the way and i belive i watered some areas more than others. Then i went out and.bought the rest of the set which i then added and saw some what of a turn around.but much hasnt happen compare to my other plant. And my other plant is growing great and i feel this dying plant is taking light away would i be able to gain the same amount of.yield.from just my.onegood plant then comapare to both a sick one and healthy one? I started flowering 2 weeks on ,Monday if i tried to recover the ph deficiency can i still get a nice yield and good bud? Thanks for.the help
And no i havent had much run off i feed about a gallon of water it.began with about once a week turning into about 2-3 times a week
With a big enough pot and some patients and a good training technique like a SCROG you can make one plant yield as much as 2. The total end weight is totally up to you as to how you do it.

So you want 10-15% run of every time. otherwise you are watering incorrectly. You want excess nutes to flow out the bottom and not build up. Plus you want deep saturation and then let it dry out completely.

I have helped people through a lot worse. It is just a matter of what you want to commit to. That plant can yield fine but it will be behind the other one. All you need to do really is get it back on the rails and then you can bloom it and so what if it is shorter or whatever.

If you want help to bring that back around beyond what I described above start a journal and PM me. I will help you make it work. if you want to just train the good one into the whole space that will be much easier and take less time. How big is the pot?
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