
New Member
get your hotpocket
cook for 1 min in microwave cut hole in center
pour in dime bag of stress or tendo (NOT CRONIC WOULD BE A WASTE)
put cheese over the hole you cut now bak it for 10 min on 350 (NO PREHEAT)
and the heat will activate the THC 100% assured you will be nice and fucked up =)

it will smell real real stong and permiate the house .. lol :Rasta:
yeh it does i think I will just try to make a firecracker since I have crackers and peanut butter. I just really want to get high by eating it. Never tryed it and would really like to because people say you can get ripped from eating it.
I'd hate to cook something I can smoke. Never see anyone cooking with tobacco do ya?
im picking up a quater tomorrow so I m going to use 2 grams from it to make some firecrackers. I wonder if one firecracker will get me ripped? im gonna make 2 firecrackers, 1 gram for each obvisously.
Well I suppose this is a nice idea but I can almost guarantee that you're not going to get the same amount of THC extracted from cooking in cheese as you would in pure lipids like butter or various oils. I've never found the effects of eatting cannabis to be nearly as enjoyable as smoking anyway, not to mension it requires quite a bit more weed.
i like my special strawberry pancekes, they are awesome and u can barely taste the pot.
fire crackers are the only thing ive found that work when it comes to eating it, and dammmn does it work. it works well and you dont need alot like half a G maybe a full one spreado over at least 3 crackers
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