Smokin' and Drinkin

The only time I really mix the two is when its a planned day/night of drinking, I find the greens to calm my stomach so I will just smoke all day until the festivities begin, have a bunch of drinks with good people then usually go smoke and chill out and talk with people in another room. I usually start first and end last, so to me I prefer smoking a whole lot more as thats what truly gets me through the night happy.
weed and alcohol are an interesting combination for me. if I'm drunk and I smoke, it's bad news, but if I smoke then drink it's always a great night.
I also find that a little weed makes me unbeatable at beer pong :cheesygrinsmiley:
when I first started tokin I was usually drunk or at a party where I would be drinking alot of beer. I didn't get sick or anything, it just made it more intense..

At college it got a lil bit more intense, like we would be totally hammered and we'd just walk aroudn campus smoking like it wasnt any big deal
stoner_123 said:
alc. is gross. never.

I second that, I really can't drink anymore because of the horrible things I've seen happy to my drunk schoolmates. Really, why would i wanna 1. throw up 2. die 3. pass out 4. get in a fight 5. trip on stupid shit when i can just toke instead?
down in Vancouver we call it getting krunk' - hate the name though because it sounds wiggerish.
Smoking weed when drunk is a big no no for me, things tend to begin to spin as all my movements are exagerated by the weed, spinning things = im gunna hurl

Gotting high and then avin a couple of drinks is a safer option as t helps the dry mouth n i can stop if im gettin too fucked.
Gettin stoned and drunk is fun but I wouldn't do it much. I like to feel either a distinct drunk or a distinct high. But I like UV vodkas and any rum. As for non-alcoholic drinks I like mellow yellow or a&w rootbeer from the restraunt.
Personally, I'd much rather smoke than drink.
When I first started smoking is when I basically started drinking and I got the spins all the time. Not anymore though.
I love New Castle, definitely one of my favorites. I also like Blue Moon, Crown, Makers Mark. Although I do say I love my W's (weed, wine, and whiskey or whisky...depending on where it is from).
I dont really enjoy drinking unless i smoke. I do not really like the tase of alcohol that much but if im at a party it makes it so much more fun. I have to take a few shots and have a couple drinks, then go and smoke, and then drink some more in order for me to drink and smoke on the same night.
DO NOT GET DRUNK BEFORE YOU SOME WEED!! I was gettung crunked off vodka and gin (straight) and nobody wnated to come outside and smoke weed with me bacusse they were "playing in the snow" and I was outside by myself smoking a fat king sized joint to myself staring at this huge fucking bigg ass trippy tree. and my the end of the night my dinner was on the side walk. NOT COOL!!!
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