What's your cotton mouth cure?


New Member
So i know you all get cotton mouth when you smoke lol... and everyone Im sure trys to do something to try and get rid of the horrible dry effects of cotton mouth.. so my question is.. What is your cure for cotton mouth??

Mine is STARBURSTS!! my favorite ones are the red and pink ones! lol :peace:
Re: What's your cotton mouth cure??

Just a good old bottle of H20 will do the trick also I have a thing 4 crackers but they may leave your mouth dry.
Re: What's your cotton mouth cure??

Instant cottonmouth cure would be Gatorade Frost, Blue kind not purple. One sip gives my mouth what it needs to stay lush all threw the bowl:surf: but if not available nothings better then H2O!
Re: What's your cotton mouth cure??

You guys may not believe this, but I've been getting high for so long that I never get cottonmouth anymore (showing my age here).

I used to get it BAD... but it just 'went away'. I don't really know how to explain it.
Re: What's your cotton mouth cure??

Diet Pepsi...no question!

In fact...I am doing it right now! ha.
Re: What's your cotton mouth cure??

You guys may not believe this, but I've been getting high for so long that I never get cottonmouth anymore (showing my age here).

I used to get it BAD... but it just 'went away'. I don't really know how to explain it.

yeah i don't get much anymore, used to in the beginning, now its never a problem.

that other comment about blue gatorade not purple was funny!
Yoo-Hoo, Mountain Dew (especially the Baja kind from Taco Bell), Pepsi, any Jones' flavor, Kool-Aid, Barq's root beer, iced tea, Juicy Juice...

no particular order.... just stuff that i like
usually just some water, or alot of water.

Also Ive always called it "pasties", never cotton mouth... weird.
Yeh, but did you ever SEE on indian suck on a pebble or rock?
And as far as cotton mouth's go, we haven't had em for years as the so called developers managed to get rid of them along with the rattlers and corral snakes.
I'll bet that pot is even good for snakebite! Maybe even for the one eyed variety.
Well I don't get bad cotton mouth all that bad anymore. It really depends on how much I smoke, but usually if Im smoking good, smooth bud, it doesnt take more then a few gulps of water to calm it down.
So i know you all get cotton mouth when you smoke lol... and everyone Im sure trys to do something to try and get rid of the horrible dry effects of cotton mouth.. so my question is.. What is your cure for cotton mouth??

Mine is STARBURSTS!! my favorite ones are the red and pink ones! lol :peace:

Its gotta be icey poles and coke zero for me...:bongrip:
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