Smoking and Studying


New Member
I've always had trouble getting distracted while studying. Not in the sense that I'm procrastinating and just use things to distract me, but rather that if there is any background noise: tv, people talking, etc... that I get distracted by what I hear and can't focus [I dont have ADD, but I like it real quite when studying]. When I get high I normally end up concentrating on one thing: music, tv, just thinking, etc.. and zone everything out (ie, become pretty spacey); but I've found that I can use this to concentrate on homework and zone everybody else out, leaving me to my thoughts and work.

Anybody, else experience this?
for me math is a joke. after a snap i can usually get through it. came in handy studying for the final, and i freaking passed.

Good stuff, for me being high works better for math related problems as opposed to something like history or some sort of social studies. Luckily I'm an engineering student and all I do is math. I should also include philosophy, but I think that is more of a given.
If you're going to smoke to enhance your studies, you should be smoking a bubbler man, you don't want to take too many bong hits and just not study. Yes math is dope for baked studying, I have a terrible time doing english related work when baked studying.
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