So - Any canna-yogi's up in here?


New Member
Anyone here smoke a bit before going into a yoga routine? I do it a bit to deep my stretch and break past the wall if I'm struggling with endurance but I can't seem to find a strain that can reliably keep my head clear enough to focus enough that I only do it occasionally. I'm thinking a edible might be a good idea but I have yet to even try that. So how about you guys? Any luck finding a reliable strain to let you focus enough? What's your preferred style?
Agh... Crickets... Whelp, better get the bug spray...
Not before, but hot yoga followed by smoking is always a good route to go. Especially after the deep stretches.
Can't say I'm a fan of Hot yoga (unless you're talking about warm yoga). I always felt that you were just losing more water weight than actually getting a workout, though I suppose all the sweating does help get the THC out of your system faster then it normally would.
I like the heat, I find it allows me to get into the positions more deeply. But it's also a treat and not a regular thing for me.

Plus after, I feel my high is stronger and my pain is alleviated faster.
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