

New Member
So I have a few plants I want to start before throwing them outside. I went out and just got some soil from my woods(leaves and junk as well, although I tried to remove the majority of it) and I"m currently flushing the soil. Should this stuff be running clear after a while do you think, or is it just gonna me muddy as long as it's wet? Anyways, I'm gonna drop the seeds soon enough, and hopefully the seeds will take with the soil being as soaked as it is. Any input?
I would buy fresh soil to use. It is well worth the couple dollars you will spend.
Good question. It sure would be nice, especially growing around a minimum of 9 plants, if I could just go out back and use that dirt. (save some dough)

Endo-Did you bake your dirt like that? I heard it's not the funnest thing to do? For doing around 9 plants, I guess I'm just looking for a quality, easy gathering soil that will work without puttin down too much money.

I'd be curious about just using dirt, complimented with vermiculite, pearlite...ect...and how many have used it successfully?
The garden store down the street from me sells a HUGE bag of organic soil, not a soil mix mind you, for only $5 USD.

Even if you strelize the soil, it will lack most of the nutrients contained in new soil.
yeah, it's definitely better to buy clean and fortified soil for around $4 at home depot. i'm using miracle gro organic choice and the plant really seems to like it. plus no bugs.
As far as nutrients go, the soil from your yard is full of it. It's one big compost heap. Anyways, I found some soil in the garage. I didn't want to be bothered going to the store right away (seeds were ready) and if they're gonna end up in that shit in two weeks I figured it's good enough now :)

Thanks for the input.

-Endo, you have msn?
It's not too late. I'm going to veg for 2 weeks, and throw them outside. Some is better than none no one can deny that. :allgood:
Good luck. This is not the best time to grow outside. Why not just keep them inside for the duration of the grow? Lack of room?
Whatever you decide, keep us informed. I enjoy reading and seeing other people's grows.
Yes, lack of room. Even if I veg for only 2 weeks, I still figure I'll get some kind of harvest from 12 plants. Even if I got a half o per plant, it's better than being poor or dry this winter. Any tips Urded? I'm keeping this as low cost as I can, as this is no "full blown" grow.
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