SoilGirl's Organic In & Out Journal 2015

Hi everyone. Wish I had an update, or good news, I feel like such an idiot for not seeing this coming but uh no point putting this off any more... two weeks ago my dad lost it, killed all my plants, attacked my mom and I, went to jail but got out, I had to move out and am staying with my uncle. I'm ... devastated. but physically ok. Trying to pick up the pieces. I hope soon I'll be turning into that butterfly/blackhawk like you said Rado but right now ... I just don't see it happening. I'm going to take a break from the forum. I need some time to process things. Thanks everyone here for being such good people/friends. Grow and enjoy some amazing greens while I'm gone, hopefully soon I'll be able to share another garden, but in the current situation that's not possible. All my love to you all. :love:

I just got here and then saw this. I sure hope everything gets better soon. Jim
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