Spider mites at harvest

What are you flushing for? Some soil and nute makers prescribe a flush at certain points in the grow and that’s cool, and yes flushing can fix some salt buildup or soil problems..... but you can’t remove nutes from your buds with flushing, nor does it improve the taste. Here is a link about flushing No flush club

But if your buds have mites then bud washing is the way to go. Most do baking soda & lemon juice but there is a method that uses hydrogen peroxide in the first bucket of water to bubble out the critters. This is a long thread but first page or two should get you there. Bud washing
Need some help what do you do if during flush you get spider mites.
If your harvesting, you will have to wash them off. Do you know how to do bud washing?
What are you flushing for? Some soil and nute makers prescribe a flush at certain points in the grow and that’s cool, and yes flushing can fix some salt buildup or soil problems..... but you can’t remove nutes from your buds with flushing, nor does it improve the taste. Here is a link about flushing No flush club

But if your buds have mites then bud washing is the way to go. Most do baking soda & lemon juice but there is a method that uses hydrogen peroxide in the first bucket of water to bubble out the critters. This is a long thread but first page or two should get you there. Bud washing
Ha ha! What are you washing your nuggets for? Bugs? Ahh mannn! Lol! You crack me up @013.
Ha ha! What are you washing your nuggets for? Bugs? Ahh mannn! Lol! You crack me up @013.
Yep, it is a common part of the final preparation done just after cutting down and before the drying step.

Recommendations are to use a hydrogen peroxide & water mix to remove mild cases of Powdery Mildew and other molds before the rest of the washing. If there is no mold most go to the mix of lemon juice and baking soda (not baking powder) mixed with water to wash out insects, dirt & dust, hair and loose pieces of leaves after the trimming. That is followed by two rinses, one in warm water and one in cool water.

A lot of people do not follow the exact procedure but staying close to it will get the job done. The whole thing is explained in a thread on this message board about bud washing. Plus, it is talked about in several growing blogs, other message boards, and web sites sponsored by seed growers or nutrient companies.

Maybe someone has a link to the beginning of the bud washing thread and can post it here.
Yep, it is a common part of the final preparation done just after cutting down and before the drying step.

Recommendations are to use a hydrogen peroxide & water mix to remove mild cases of Powdery Mildew and other molds before the rest of the washing. If there is no mold most go to the mix of lemon juice and baking soda (not baking powder) mixed with water to wash out insects, dirt & dust, hair and loose pieces of leaves after the trimming. That is followed by two rinses, one in warm water and one in cool water.

A lot of people do not follow the exact procedure but staying close to it will get the job done. The whole thing is explained in a thread on this message board about bud washing. Plus, it is talked about in several growing blogs, other message boards, and web sites sponsored by seed growers or nutrient companies.

Maybe someone has a link to the beginning of the bud washing thread and can post it here.
Yeah, I was just cracking on bro bro... I wash everything( indoor and outdoor) I like how it helps the cure.... and gets all the dust and flies and nastys that might make it past your naked eye....
I don’t disagree with the bud washing advice but as a preliminary step, I put a sock over the end of a vacuum cleaner hose and suck them off. (Suck them off, hehehe, LOL.) I just figure it’s a belt-and-suspenders type of thing. The sock is to prevent too much damage to the plant. You just have to flick out the stuff that accumulates every now and again.
I don’t disagree with the bud washing advice but as a preliminary step, I put a sock over the end of a vacuum cleaner hose and suck them off. (Suck them off, hehehe, LOL.) I just figure it’s a belt-and-suspenders type of thing. The sock is to prevent too much damage to the plant. You just have to flick out the stuff that accumulates every now and again.
I think that might just spread the bugs around.... not a good idea.... the only thing I have got to work on spider mites is azamax. And you have to catch it really early. You can spray em off with water... but that’s no good cuz then they’re going to hop on the next guys plants. Then back on your potentially.
Good luck bro.
I think that might just spread the bugs around.... not a good idea.... the only thing I have got to work on spider mites is azamax. And you have to catch it really early. You can spray em off with water... but that’s no good cuz then they’re going to hop on the next guys plants. Then back on your potentially.
Good luck bro.
It really doesn’t — they’re pretty delicate little fellas and aren’t heavy enough to fall out of sock with the vacuum running. Seriously, it’s worked for me several times.
It really doesn’t — they’re pretty delicate little fellas and aren’t heavy enough to fall out of sock with the vacuum running. Seriously, it’s worked for me several times.
I've shop vacuumed out my catch basins and accidentally lifted up and stripped the buds right off a branch. Went and bought a reducer for it next day.
Your idea is interesting, just hope I never get spider mites and need to try it.
Yeah, I was just cracking on bro bro... I wash everything( indoor and outdoor) I like how it helps the cure.... and gets all the dust and flies and nastys that might make it past your naked eye....
You would be surprised, well maybe not surprised, at the number of people that think bud washing is not a real thing until they read about it.

The first time I came across it I thought it was some sort of paranoid overkill. Now I know it does help with the cure plus gets rid of the small things that might get trapped in with the buds.

Even gone so far as to change the color of the dried herb depending on the temperature of the wash and first rinse water.
You would be surprised, well maybe not surprised, at the number of people that think bud washing is not a real thing until they read about it.

The first time I came across it I thought it was some sort of paranoid overkill. Now I know it does help with the cure plus gets rid of the small things that might get trapped in with the buds.

Even gone so far as to change the color of the dried herb depending on the temperature of the wash and first rinse water.
I thinks it’s funny that people think the trichomes are going to just rinse off! Ha ha! Last time I had some friends over to help me trim my buddys mom was asking all kinds of questions. It was so funny watching her face when I took a big branch and stuck it in the bucket!
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