Spider mites

Neem oil cold pressed mix to water at 1/8 ratio as neem oil is thick and if too much can clogs pores also reapply every third or fourth day. Once flower hits try to avoid hitting bud as much as possible and Or lesson your ratio strength too. Make sure you do before lights out or sunrise before.

Hit under those fans and hit mains of stalk.

If you don’t like that idea more organic then pesticides try unscented dish soap few drops squirts to spray bottle say one litre .

Or look up horsetail it’s around a lot of us and free .

Mites thrive in hot heat. You can even if have good pressure sprayer use straight cold water but don’t be shy soaking those leafs .

Try that for starters

Also neem oil cold pressed is what I use no kites this year using it as preventative maintenance.

@Lowded118 he is dealing with mites now ?
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