Spike Addtive - Is This For Me?


New Member

Today I will be talking about the Spike Additive.

This is a great product for people who are subject to instant urine testing (EMIT test) ONLY. This urine test is similar to those at home pregnancy tests, where you get the results within minutes.

This product requires NO ABSTINENCE and has no storage requirements. It is compact and VERY easy to use. Simply poor into the sample cup, urinate on top and submit. It cannot get an easier than that!

The Spike Additive comes with two vials. If you are a regular user of THC (twice a week or more), then you need both vials for your test, if you use ANY other drug or are an occasional user of THC (once a week or less) then you only need one and would be able to have one for another test.

Visit us at Testnegative.com for more information about this and all our products.

Remember TestNegative.com has qualified customer service reps to answer your questions or to help you find the right product for you.

Remember to check back next Monday to learn more about our products
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