Stagnant dwarf plants?


420 Member
I find i have seeds that sprout fine and begin growing fine, they generally look healthy, but they just stop growing, they do not wither they look like they should be growing normally? Meanwhile other plants, same strain, same soil same everything do just fine?
I find i have seeds that sprout fine and begin growing fine, they generally look healthy, but they just stop growing, they do not wither they look like they should be growing normally? Meanwhile other plants, same strain, same soil same everything do just fine?

There are many things that can cause this.

Environment: If the temp is too cold, or the humidity too low, that can cause it. If your soil is saturated with water, that can cause it. This is the biggest problems with us, new people. We do not understand the ground is not as wet as we believe.

Pests: If you have pests that are eating the roots, like fungus gnats (too wet soil), they can kill your plants as well.

Pictures help if you have any. They are golden for members to help.

Also, dwarfs and most other plants will grow to a certain point (usually two true leaves) and hold there while they are growing roots. It is this point where a plant is the most vulnerable. We tend to panic and do something that isn't good for the plant.

I had a sulfur deficiency with one plant. They were the same strain purchased at the same time (seed), grown in the same soil, and watered the same. I almost let it die, for I thought I had injured the top. It still hasn't totally recovered but is looking better.

More information can help. Like what soil, what nutrients if you are using any, where the seed came from, what kind of pot (container), how often you are watering (where the water comes from). Anything you can give us helps us, help you.

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