Stay at home dad going crazy think my plants and my dog are keeping me sane


Active Member
Can’t lie being at home all the time is challenging. I used to stay out every non sleep second and I was always smiling and full of life. Now I leave the house once a week whatever. At first I was just alone all the time then I researched growing a plant for like 100 hours and took the leap. It’s cool taking care of my son all day but it gets lonely. I’m only writing this morning cause the crying wouldn’t stop and after a nap I’m 4 cups of tequila in at 9 30 and a few bowls so I’m feeling myself (my crying not his) but my old lady head out the door to work. I let my dog on the couch cuz she not there let out a good cry put the baby down for a nap have a glass and a smoke. Go straight to mixing nutes ..... I just finished my box and moved her out the house under a powerful ass light ... some burn n shit I’m learning the new light. But being outside away from the house with her we talk.... idk.. my situation my girl makes way better money than me and someone has to be with our our ten month son.. he loves me I’m blessed... but I miss life and respect these moms so much more.... thank something for my plant .. NMRK


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Gadfly almost goes batshit crazy on a daily schedule. Had all but given up alcohol in my 20’s, kids turned me back into a beer drinker—moderation now. Almost started smoking cigs again but luckily I had quit long enough that they make me sick. Used to be very athletic and active, now I look like someone who used to be very athletic and active. Used to eat properly, but now I’m tired so fuggitall. Living for the sake of others can be a real mindfuck, especially when one is accustomed to living like a rolling stone.

One thing that keeps me in focused is that I know they will grow beyond my control. Now I’m stressed because I have to do almost everything. Danger lurks everywhere and I’m the resident super hero. But the reality is that one day, they will be little rolling stones of their own. It’s an awesome responsibility.
And if all that preachy shit didn’t add any perspective, I’ve got triplets! :lot-o-toke:They came after an MD told me all my pot smoking was going to make me sterile. So yeah, enjoy the ride! Drink your glass, smoke your smoke, watch a youngling do youngling stuff and enjoy the hell out of everything!
Once they start walking and talking your scr#wed, take him for a stroller ride,after a few miles the fresh air will put him to sleep, and u can walk to the park or the center of town or wherever, heck bring the dog if friendly. A great way to meet people and start conversations. Depression sucks don’t get dragged down by it. Lol
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