Stinkbug pest


Well-Known Member
I finally found what was chewing on my leaves. It wasn't the spidermites, i surprisingly was able to kill them all

(Probably the cold wet and windy weather helped tons)

Pretty sure its the stink bugs, my country has been invaded by the asian kind, they're everywhere, the house, outside etc.

And i often see them lurking on my weed, I never thought anything of it I didn't know they feed on weed....

What can i spray on my plant? Im 3 weeks away from harvest.

Something that isn't gonna affect the taste of buds....

Picking them by hand is a no go, my plants are too busy and big, also i need something to deter them from coming there in the first place
I’ve noticed same thing here as we changed from summer to fall…. I’m confident our flowers draw in various pests and stink bugs are in that roster. Its not just to feed - its whole lifestyle… dine, nest, mate & populate

think this is where those bio pesticides we talked about in that last pm come into play but the trick is the plant needs to be treated systemically over duration of grow to be most effective…yes you can spray stuff on there but in late flower there are so many freaking hidey-holes in buds. But trust me I know how hard it is to get thru flower and stay pest free…..

What kind of pest products do you have access to? Can you order stuff off the web?
Well thanks for the heads up. I haven't had an issue with stinkbugs, but my hubby came home covered with them recently from a job he was on, and now I am worried they are gonna start breeding here :confused:
Pretty sure its the stink bugs, my country has been invaded by the asian kind, they're everywhere, the house, outside etc.

And i often see them lurking on my weed, I never thought anything of it I didn't know they feed on weed....
Check and if they are not chewing on the leaves and just lurking then you don't have to worry about it.

Last I remember it is an outdoor grow, and on a patio near the house, spraying this close to harvest might not help much since you will have to continue spraying a few times to get all of them.

Think about next year, especially if you want something that will not affect the plant or the buds.
Something that isn't gonna affect the taste of buds....
Planning ahead for next year...

Look up plants that repel stink bugs. Put a few of them around your plants at the beginning of the season. Some of those plants will repel several different kinds of insects. Keep in mind that they will repel but not get rid of each and every one of the stink bugs or mites or other insects.

Also, if you are not spraying constantly to kill off every insect possible you will be able to attract predator insects, and even birds, which will eat the insects you do not want on your plants.
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