Stoner Radar?


New Member
The funniest thing happened yesterday on the train. I'm getting off of work (I wear a in an office, etc.) and these two guys get on and sit in front of me. The train stopped (there was some accident on the rails with a car) for about an hour. So we were bored and started talking. They let us off the train and we went and smoked a couple blunts.

Here's the odd thing...for some reason...they started talking freely to me about getting high. Complete Strangers. The way I was dressed...this surprised me. The one dude says he could tell I was a pothead though.

I have been out with friends, etc at a bar and for some reason...I always end up getting in a conversation with a fellow stoner (even when I haven't been stoned).

I find this weird - but have you been in places, parties, bars, etc...and you just knew the fellow stoners?
I have had that happen to me too and it can be a little wierd - but hey, if someone offers me a smoke, sure why not.:ganjamon:
But I am NEVER the first to light up or let them know what I have on me; cuz as Roseman found out deception is taught at the police academy. :reading420magazine:
( sorry to hear about your bust dude - that sucks!)
Yeah,there is and it's damned odd how long it lasts. I gave up smoking after the first of my kids were born. I didn't smoke weed for 20 plus years. I can't tell you how many times I was approached to either get high or by someone looking to score weed in that time. Suit and tie job,living in the suburbs,and they could still spot me.

It works both ways,though. One of my daughters introduced me to a boy she was interested in High School. Afterwards I said "You don't need to be dating a stoner at 14." She about flipped,going "You're so judgmental.You don't know a thing about him" I gave her this evil grin and said "I know my own kind." End of discussion.
lol that's crazy. yeah people see me and think "stoner" too... like my friend's mom. i wasn't even high (which isn't, or back then wasn't a common occurance) and met my friend's mom for the first time. he later told me that she was like "does she smoke pot?" when i left. haha so messed up. i guess i was born with a stoner mentality and persona. i take that as a compliment, actually, so whatever! it's better than being labeled a "tweaker" or thief or something. i actually like stoners... we're laid back and just cool with everything.
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