Strain Unknown, Clone #1/, Indoor, Veg


Active Member
She has 27 days since her pot transfer. I think she looks great. Lots of new growth and color is coming back. I've left her alone to do her thing for the last 10 days except for watering. Im still getting brown tips on some of my leaves but I've cut back water and nutrients. Only using bloom booster once in last 2 weeks and water twice a week. My grow closet is holding a steady temp of 70° and humidity is holding around 70°. Still doing 16/8 on light. I'm wanting to clone her before I start to flower. I see a nice stem I want to take from her. I'm just needing some more information on how exactly u get it to root. I have take root powder to assist. Once I clone a a third generation I'm gona start to flower the my momma plant while baby gets started. It's my hobby and for my own personal use. I'm just excited that my plant has pulled thru the re-pot and being over watered and having spider mites wen I first brought her home. And being planted in a pot with clay dirt from the ground that almost suffocated her roots. Posted new pics. I want opinions and advice please from anyone who's willing to share. I don't think I would have got this far with her if it wasn't for 420 members advice and answers.







You gonna need more info for others to jump in….Please add brand names of all your nute gear.

sweetie don’t want to burst your bubble but she looks awful - and that’s perfectly fine. We can get you tuned up, so please bear with us, keep reading and answering our questions. Trust me I’ve had plants much worse that yours too so it’s all good:D

I added some coco stuff on your other faq question…. but forget about watering - the rules are different for coco so no more plain water ever. You must feed coco quarter strength nutes every time. If you do plain water or a flush then follow right up with a feed.

bloom booster? wrong nutes for this phase of growth…. you should be feeding veg nutes at every feeding. You gotta add cal-mag too - coco requires it.

also what does the plant sit on?
what kind of floor is in that grow space?
how large is that area?
have you taken temp on floor? - lay hygrometer down and come back in a hour…
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