Successful Smokers Needed PLEASE READ


New Member
How are you guys doing? To begin I'm 18 years old, a fulltime college student at U of H and am a lifeguard, surprisingly I do not get drug tested. So right now in my life I am where I wanna be. I plan on really becoming something of myself as I age. I am the first person to graduate with my associates(with honors)before graduating from my highschool. But as time goes on im wondering if smoking is just childish and one day I need to grow up. So I ask all of you veteran smokers how many of you are really successful in life make above 6 figures or have done something great. I want truthful answers whether you think someone can be successful and be all you can be and still smoke the wonderful plant god put on this earth.
i`m a 60 year old thats been smoking for 40+ years i only have a high school ed. i retired with cancer and a bad heart when i was 57. i owned my own transport business for 15 years when i retired was at the top of my game and smoked every couple hours throughout the day. sold the business and retired. now i grow my own medicine and my docs say my liver cancer has made a "miraculous" recovery. if i was capable of advice i would say follow your heart and do what feels right.
willywonka, willywonka. the amazing chocolatier. you have already answered your own question in the fact that you're 18 YRS OLD AND HAVE YOUR ASSOCIATES BEFORE YOU GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL! come on dude, are you really questioning the potential of potheads with that accomplishment? the very fact that you're seriously looking into this shows your depth.
TV likes to showcase stoners as big nothings. The non-smoking public eats it up, as they watch nascar to watch the crashes and secretly hope Brittney Spears or Lindsay Lohan OD's. Truth is, if the average joe had a pair of kind glasses that would highlight all the pot smokers in a crowd they would freak out. If they only knew just how many of the familiar realtors, car salesmen, teachers, lawyers, doctors, businessmen/women, mechanics, bankers, grocery clerks, cops, and PTA members lit up regularly they would shit. There is no other recreational drug (including caffeine) that you can enjoy for a while then walk away from. Party all night then sleep like a baby and have absolutely no hangover.
We all know people who smoke too much and can't function. Just like we all know people who drink too much. Or go overboard on the 'scripts. Difference is, there is nothing addictive in weed.
At 42 yrs of age, I have made more money and been to more places than the average guy will dream of. You name the island & I've prolly partied there.
Bottom line; don't smoke so much that you lose your lust for life. Also don't drink to that point, fornicate to that point or anything else to that point. Work as hard as you can then relax all you want. If you follow that rule you'll be happy. No one can condemn a hard-working person.
Are you on MPP's mailing list? If you are, you'll see at the bottom of each newsletter that an anonymous donor has agreed to match every dollar contributed up to 3 million bucks annually. That 'stoner' is the founding genius behind Progressive Insurance, the most successful insurance broker in the free world. He didn't do too bad for a weed freak.
As long as you keep the ability to step back every once in a while, Ferris Buehler style, and take a look around to check up on things nothing can stop you ever. Get caught up in a bunch of bullshit and you have rproblems. Smoking pot has nothing to do with that.
What you do at the end of the day, when everything is done, shouldn't matter. If you do everything to the best of your ability without hindering it is not a problem. You already have an amazing accomplishment under your belt. If you really question your ability under weed, take a few weeks off. See if that is any improvement or stability while you're off of weed. Just like anything, moderation is key. You have a lot going for you. Keep the same track with the same amount to level you out. You're under a lot of stress and relieving it is just as important and fulfilling it.
Thank you guys so much I really appreciate your guy's inputs into the situation. I would still like to here more input from more members so keep them coming. But rest assusred I will be sleeping easy tonight thanks
I think it's what's inside the individual that determines success or failure. A lot of presidents were tokers (Jefferson, Washington, Clinton, Bush, Obama etc.). A lot of successful business people are/were tokers.

What I believe is that a normally responsible person will have the same level of success whether they choose to smoke or abstain. There are a few underlying assumptions though:

- You don't caught up in a legal situation

- You don't make life choices to preserve the ability to toke. If your carreer needs you to make a move where you'll be drug tested and you have to knock off for a few years - you do.

- You practice NORML's 5 rules for responsible use, which are: Adults Only, No Driving, Set and Setting, Resist Abuse and Respect Others
Who is mpp, and how do I join his mailing list? Also, how do you know all of these presidents smoked is it just assumption or heard through friends or is there actual evidence?
I think this is a fascinating question, and would also like to hear from other long-term smokers who have had financially successful lives. I, too, have a lot of respect for money, and I think money is one (not the only) important part of success.

I'm in my 30s and have only been smoking a couple years, and will admit to occasional fears about what weed might do to my career. The downside of weed is that it makes me a little lazier. On the upside, I'm happier and the quality of my work seems to have gone up. Maybe the net result is a wash.
Also, how do you know all of these presidents smoked is it just assumption or heard through friends or is there actual evidence?

This guy maintains a list of famous smokers with the known history (and rumors) as the case may be. All his assertions include citations by link

Scroll down to George Washington and he's got a subset of the toker presidents

Famous Cannabis Users

Amazing how many famous and successful people have enjoyed the good herb
The major problem with Sweden, for me, is that every smoker is a criminal here. Just like robbers or murderers and the lot. You will in fact stay in jail longer for selling weed than you will for beating up your wife or kid. So I will have to say no to your question, I do not, personally, know any successfull smoker.
If you count success in degrees and that atleast.
Being successful, in my opinion, is a direct result of the choices you make. I am only 27, but I have successfully completed University (honours), and already climbed to a management position that pays 6 figures within 4 years.

It's more than possible to be successful and smoke, you just have to know when to drop the roach and do some work! I have smoked daily for 8 years, and aside from an extra 15 pounds I don't need, there have been very few negative results!

Who is mpp, and how do I join his mailing list? Also, how do you know all of these presidents smoked is it just assumption or heard through friends or is there actual evidence?

MPP is a very effective non profit organization dedicated to ending marijuana prohibition. if you can't click on this link, paste it in your browser.

MPP Homepage

also read up on George Soros

George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good luck brother.
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