Sweet haze DnA genetics


New Member
ya boys...

how you use to say.. foxy tails.. rights?!
swwt haze almost ready for cut
Lurker here. :popcorn:

Got some Sweet Haze beans in the dirt. Been looking for what you uploaded: pics of my girls.

Thanks for posting! :bravo:
Hi. Anyone with Sweet Haze experience?

The genetics claim 70% Satavia 30% Indica. The Satavia is Haze based and the Indica is Cantalope.

Most of the beans sprouted female. Most are light and foxtail-ish like the pic above. Beta is not. She's compact and melony and...

she's turning red. Much faster than any of her sisters flowered on the same day.

Is it possible that she will be ripe significantly (like maybe 10 days) earlier than her sisters? The tric test, cloudy vs. clear, is always the way to determine cut date?

Thanks in advance!
If you wrap [ IMG ] tags [ /IMG ] around your pic, we will see it w/o clicking.. works good!
Now, those are wild looking man, I've never see that before... I have 2 Hazes ODs now, I hope the buds do like yours.
Hell, I'll be really glad just to get them to finish! Check out the link in my thread, let me know if yours looked like mine do!
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