Tall & Fragile


Well-Known Member
This plant is about 6 feet tall and is still growing, and I'm running out of room for it. Over all it looks pretty good.
My question is ; should I cut all this small stuff on this plant?
My other concern is that the branches are kinda fragile and thin, I'm not sure that the branches will support the weight of the bud
Appreciate any input you might have. :thanks::thumb::thanks:
If the limbs start to sag under the weight of buds, you can drive a stick into the middle of the pot and use plant ties to support the limbs.
Thanks for the post, I thought of that, but I want to know why the stems are not as strong as they should be. I see pics on:420: that have the stems as large as the main stem is and wonder why mine don't look like that. Like I said Thanks for the post.:thumb::thumb::thumb:
Hey pete whats your setup, have you got a fan blowing into the canopy?? a bit of wind should strenghen the stems.
If she's still stretching from flip you can try to spread her out a bit if you have horizontal space.

As for stem thickness, have a fan blowing on them and they'll thicken up until the fan no longer sways them. If she starts sagging, tying her to sticks is the only option. For a plant that big see if you can get a tomato cage on your pot.

I'm not a fan of defoliation, and I don't think removing fan leaves and small branches would help much with weight issues. But if you're within the first few weeks of flowering, you should be able to chop small branches and some fan leaves without creating too much stress.
Just my 2c, looks like a lot of stretch. Is your light adjustable height wise? As they grow try and have the light as close as possible without heat burn, then raise as the plants grow. This will also assist with stem strength. Healthy looking lady.:thumb:
Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. I do have a fan blowing into the canopy and I did separate her a bit. I'm not sure about defoliation with all the new strains and everything.
30 years ago it was a great way to raise them. Thanks again
If it is possible i would remove everything from where the 2 in 2015 starts in photo 3 and 4 and then either raise the light, or tie her branches and force her to scrog.

If there was no other possible solution light cant be moved and scrogg would take up to much width.

Then as a last resort i would run to the hardware store and grab a square flat container and drop the height and lets the roots grow in width rather then depth.
Hey pete2. I can't really tell what your grow area is? Tent? Basement? What is the max height? Have you flipped already? Those ladies are going to grow quite a bit more after flipping. Have you considered top'n or fim'n at the start? The potential problem I'm seeing is getting light down to the bottom of a 6' plant! All the good bud will be at the top with little popcorn buds midway down and likely nothing down below. Not sure if this has been an issue in the past or is this your first grow? Otherwise the plant looks very healthy. Just some things to think about no disrespect intended.
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