Taste and smells, getting rid of the harsh flavor?


New Member
How doe the professional growers get the smell and taste out of their buds so they taste smooth and not harsh, does cutting back on nutes., watering and final flushing make a difference along with a longer cure? will this help get rid of the minty, harsh, dark green color need some advise on smeel and flavor. Thanks again everyone. :thanks::)
Flushing the last couple weeks before harvest. Proper curing after harvest. Some people use molasses or unsweetened pineapple juice diluted. I am going to try the juice on mine, if I can find unsweetened pineapple juice. Some peeps believe it works, some don't. But from what I have read it won't hurt to try.
Bought a can of Dole pineapple juice at Walmart last night. It says "naturally sweetened" and has no sugar, corn syrup, etc. added.
and you would just flush it with whatever flavour you want? let me know how that goes guys that would be sick so many possibilities for flavours
I ended up using blackstrap molasses instead of pineapple juice. I found a lot more information about its use, and most experienced growers use it. It does the same kind of thing as the pineapple juice is reported to do, but also contains a lot of vitamins. Supposed to greatly improve the flavor. Time will tell, I am at almost 8 weeks of flower. Of course without a test group I won't know what it would taste like without the molasses, so.....
I didn't really answer that question, here goes: I don't think that the flavor of the juice would show up in the buds. It is more about adding sugars and feeding the micro-organisms.
If pot took in taste, a ton of it would have flavors like bat/bird shit, steer manure, bones and blood.

for best flavor slow dry and slow cure is key.
If pot took in taste, a ton of it would have flavors like bat/bird shit, steer manure, bones and blood.

Good example.

Like I said, the use of pineapple juice or the more favored molasses, adds sugars (increased bud size, better taste) and feeds the micro-organisms the girls depend on.
If pot took in taste, a ton of it would have flavors like bat/bird shit, steer manure, bones and blood.

for best flavor slow dry and slow cure is key.


Slow dry and slow cure is the final answer.

Flushing the last couple weeks before harvest. Proper curing after harvest. Some people use molasses or unsweetened pineapple juice diluted. I am going to try the juice on mine, if I can find unsweetened pineapple juice. Some peeps believe it works, some don't. But from what I have read it won't hurt to try.

I have learned a lot in the short time since then, thus the blackstrap molasses instead of the pineapple juice. Drying and curing are indeed the final answer, but there are also many contributing factors along the way.
I've read of a few interesting ways to cure.

Roseman dries his before putting the buds in quart jars and then burps them everyday for 30 days.

Uncle Ben says that if it's well-grown, then it only needs to be dried and smoked.

Another hang dries his buds, puts them in quart jars for a few days, then hangs them again.

As for me, I'm about out of pot and will be out long before I get a harvest. My first smoke will be from Uncle Ben's method, then after that I'll go along with Roseman and burp daily, assuming that there's anything to burp.

The matter of flushing is still being debated and I'm not at all sure that flushing would help anything.

On another note, a few experienced growers claim that 24 or 48 hours of darkness prior to harvest does a lot of good.

If flushing don't help, I don't see how it could hurt and ditto with the dark period.

I don't think we're going to find agreement in these areas any time soon. It's likely to boil down to personal preference.
Was reading up on the dark period theory this morning. Supposed to trick your plants into throwing everything they've got into budding. I plan to try it, 48-72 hours.
Oh yeah, another early mistake. I also didn't mean flushing. I meant no nutes for the last couple weeks, opinion varies from 7-14 days.
The proper cure method for you depends on your climate and situation.

The best imo is final cure in a wine cellar or buried underground for three to six months after its dried.
so you should just keep it in pure darkness in something airtight? i am really afraid of mould growing on them how long is the drying period?
Oh yeah, another early mistake. I also didn't mean flushing. I meant no nutes for the last couple weeks, opinion varies from 7-14 days.

I would worry about this. A couple weeks without nutes couldn't be very good for bud formation. I think mine will get nutes up to the time of harvest. Both Roseman and Uncle Ben say that this is the way to go, or way to grow:) Let me know how that works for you.
Would depend on what kind of nutes you are using I guess, if you went and put Miracle Grow on it or something. I am not using some of the fancy shit other people are, I used Alaska nutes. I am considering nuting at tomorrow's watering, the buds I have been smoking taste just fine. I haven't decided. Day 58 of flower.
Would depend on what kind of nutes you are using I guess, if you went and put Miracle Grow on it or something. I am not using some of the fancy shit other people are, I used Alaska nutes. I am considering nuting at tomorrow's watering, the buds I have been smoking taste just fine. I haven't decided. Day 58 of flower.

heres my 2 cents, day 58 flower me i would not add any nutes, i have added nutes late in the flower process and let me tell you there went 2 pounds of some primo buds ( of course this was my first grow ) the buds had a very distinct taste ie: nutes i had to wholesale my entire harvest because they were nowhere near med quality, so for me i wont give my plants anything especially at day 58 of go time, ps i flush early and often now and my meds now are never questioned about aka a funny taste. by the way that's why cannibal's don't eat clowns ------- because they taste funny
They went 80 days, so 58 would have been a bit early. I last nuted 12 days before harvest, used molasses to the end. The buds are super sweet tasting, no chemical taste. Cannibals don't eat clowns? LOL, I did not know that. :laughtwo:
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