The Feng Shui of Rolling. (Picture Tutorial)


New Member
Or Rolling along the path of least wood pulp.

First some disclaimers and some info I forgot to add in the picture tutorial. Feel free to skip. It's a bit ranty. :grinjoint:

I apologize if this is cheeky or just downright rude, but I am honestly just trying to be helpful. What I'm talking about are the terrible, TERRIBLE joints being smoked around here. The average joint I've seen in photos around here are probably more harmful to the smoker because of the insane amounts of paper going up in smoke, than the tobacco rolled in it. Not just that, but the paper tastes awful. Truly, spine-shiveringly awful. One guy filming himself rolling as a tutorial had two king size papers glued together, side by side, ALL rolled into a joint as thick as the ones I roll with a single layer of paper. Considering that the paper weighs around 1 g/square inch, that's almost as much paper as there is contents. (I'm sorry if you roll like that, and it's because an illness prevents you from doing it any other way.) Personally, I like the taste of whats in the paper much more than the paper itself, so I like to roll with as little paper as physically possible.

So. I made a tutorial of how I do it.

Now, rolling like this makes the joint a bit less resilient to bastards hot-smoking the joint (I don't know what you'd call that in english. Means smoking it so fast/hard that you end up with a very long, very hot tip, making the whole joint very hot,) but I feel the better and smoother tasting smoke far outweighs the need to treat it a bit carefully.

It's also more time consuming to do the actual prep'n roll at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's only a bit slower than the "usual" way. I usually take around 6 minutes, start to finish. Also, rolling with pot is a bit trickier than with tobacco/hash mix, but just grind the bud well, and there will be no problems.

To get the seam straight (which I find important, for some reason) all you have to do is, in step 2, before step 3, align the glued edge slightly diagonally upward from your thumb toward the tip. This gives a slight cone shape, and a dead straight seam once you burn off the excess.

Anyway. Here's a tutorial.
I've never put tobacco into a joint. I've never placed a piece of paper/cardboard in one, either. (Are you in Europe? I've read that tobacco is used there but I had always hoped it was just a rumor.)

What's that "roach" for, anyway? Is it just something to keep the contents of the joint from being inhaled if the person that rolled it rolled it loose or to cause some of the resin to condense on it instead of in your lungs - or does it prevent your fingers from smelling like you've just toked up? If the latter is the case, I might have to try it. Although... Does it start to burn when you smoke down to it? Around here when we roll joints, we sometimes smoke them down to a tiny speck of fire (or put them out sooner and give what's left to someone) and sooner or later someone would probably forget that the last ½" (or however long it is) of the joint wasn't full of cannabis, lol.

+REPs for using a good lightweight paper and for showing the masses how to backroll a joint so they only end up with one layer of paper.

BtW, in my area the term "roach" is used to mean a joint that was extinguished before it was completely smoked - there was a lame joke a number of years back, "Why do they call them roach-clips?" ("Because pot-holder was already taken."). I never could figure out why. But it's interesting that there are two different definitions for the term where cannabis is concerned.
Hey TS. Thanks for reading through that. And thanks a whole bunch for the reps. I really like to roll this way, but used to only do it on special occasions, because I found it tricky. Then I discovered that I could lick the outside and still achieve adhesion with the glue. That made it tons easier.

Yep, I'm in europe. I understand not using tobacco with weed, but what do you rub your hash into? Surely you're not smoking it straight? Anyway, all types "natural" tobacco exist without the additives, though it's still tobacco...

Point taken on the term roach. From now on I shall call it a Bob. Around here, all the headshops sell purpose made Bobs, though I don't buy mine. And I mainly use them because I hate getting tobacco in my mouth, but it's also to prevent tobacco fingers, as you also pointed out. As an added benefit, it provides an excellent "foundation" for the paper to roll around. It doesn't start burning, even though you smoke all the way onto the Bob, but it does taste like craparoni. Using a Bob in your joint also means you don't have to smoke it down to a tiny stub, and burn your fingers and lips just to get to the last juicy bits, so I suppose you'd save up again the thc lost in the Bob. I usually use a tobacco kicker between the Bob and the weed as well, just so I don't have to smoke it all the way down to Bob to get everything.

I almost fell off my chair laughing at that roach joke.
Been a long time since I had any hash that I didn't make myself (missing that Lebanese Blond) but generally used a bong with a glass "screen" that had some crumbled bud on it to keep the hash from running. Have rolled into thin worms and used a good bit of herb in a paper but wasn't my favorite. With homemade unpressed it seemed easier to make a mix that was clean burning (didn't run). BUT... it's easier and quicker to make hash oil. And it mixes with crumbled bud nicely to make "cookie."

Doing giant "wet-cookie" hits from a 3-liter gravity bong every ten minutes with your buddies until someone hits the floor - and then doing them every five minutes. Ahh, memories, lol.

Re: Tobacco - It's not the foul taste or the health concerns (although they are also major considerations) for me. Rather, it's... Well, there's no THC (et cetera) in tobacco. (Unfortunately, I still at this point smoke cigarettes - but just for the menthol, lol - so I'm just as likely to light one after toking... Which kind of screws my argument, huh?)

Oh, and as far as calling that thing a roach: If that's what it's called in your country/region/neighborhood, then call it that. It's an international country even though there are a LOT of people from the United States and Canada here. I try to respect everyone's language as much as possible.
I never had hash oil. I imagine that would give a pretty heavy high. In my experience, the darker and softer the hash, the heavier the high.

What I do to remove some of the harshness in the tobacco is that I gently gently toast the cigarette with a lighter, without burning the paper, until many of the chemicals have reached their vapor point, then blow it out. I dunno if it works, but the ignorance gives me a slightly better feeling about the cigs in the joints..

I would love to find a better alternative than smoking. Hoping to start cooking when I get my grow on the road. Don't have access to regular enough weed to be able to now. I made a vaporizer a while ago, but haven't completely finished it, because initial results were so poor. Also, after the first harvest, I'm hoping I won't have to smoke hash again, thus removing the need for tobacco altogether.

I remember a mate, trying a bong for the first time. a 3 footer. And being the kind of guy who, when going for something, really goes for it, he filled and emptied the tube in 2 hits. The first time I ever saw someone smoke themselves incomprehensible.

We call it a roach, because we know it'll always be the last bit remaining.
I've never put tobacco into a joint. I've never placed a piece of paper/cardboard in one, either. (Are you in Europe? I've read that tobacco is used there but I had always hoped it was just a rumor.)
I think they call this mixture kief. I didn't see it very much in the old days; one problem people had with is that people usually smoke pot differently from how they smoke tobacco. With a joint, the smoker usually brings it up to the lips and inhales as much air and smoke as possible, directly into the lungs. Whereas with a regular cigarette, people tend to suck in a mouthful of smoke and then inhale it lungwards, in a two-step process. I was once passed a kief joint, and I nearly choked to death when I tried to inhale the way I would pure MJ. But the fact is, you can smoke MJ using the suck-and-inhale methodology and, while it may not be quite as efficient as the psfffffffffffffffffffffftt! direct-inhale method, you'll still get plenty of effect from just a few puffs.

What's that "roach" for, anyway? Is it just something to keep the contents of the joint from being inhaled if the person that rolled it rolled it loose or to cause some of the resin to condense on it instead of in your lungs - or does it prevent your fingers from smelling like you've just toked up?

I like the roach because IME it results in a joint that is more uniform in appearance, much like a regular cig, and it lets you smoke it right down to the last bit of MJ without burning your fingers.
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