The hypocrisy of Marijuana prohibition


New Member
Just some thoughts I have on the hypocrisy of marijuana prohibition while alcohol is so openly tolerated in society.

Not only do people overdose on alcohol and suffer other adverse health effects, but they also kill other people due to becoming violent or driving. I mean if you look at the police statistics that show the percentage of late night incidents wherein alcohol is a contributing factor, it is mind boggling how a drug like alcohol is more tolerated in society than mj.

While I can drink without becoming a complete fucking idiot, think about all the child abuse, spouse abuse, fights, deaths, and health consequences that are caused by alcohol. How many people have you heard say that alcohol turns them or a person they know, such as a spouse or parent, into a monster. On the other side, I have never heard anyone say mj turns them or a person they know into a monster. Why do we have so many people in AA and yet there is no such thing, at least that I am aware of, as Marijuana smokers anonymously. How many people get liver cirrhosis from alcohol.

Not only that, just think of the whole concept of bars. Our government basically sanctions drunk driving. I mean, I think everyone can agree that at best only a small percentage of people out at a bar on a Friday and Saturday night, especially in rural areas without public transportation and/or taxis, use a designated driver or drive home under the legal limit. Furthermore, only a small percentage of these people stand any chance of being pulled over and charged for drunk driving. Honestly, what percentage, maybe 5% or at best 10%, of people at a bar on a Friday and Saturday night, have 2 or 3 drinks, then think to themselves, wait a minute, I am over or close to the legal limit, and I need to stop drinking now and sober up so that I can drive home without breaking the law. I think anyone who has been to a bar more than once, including politicians and police, know that this does not happen and basically we have a system that sanctions drunk driving.

I speak from experience, while my brother-in-law was driving with his aunt they were hit by an illegal immigrant drunk driver who crossed into his lane. The aunt died at the scene. My brother-in-law, who, by the way, has never touched alcohol or any illegal drug in his life, was in the hospital for about three months and still suffers many health problems more than ten years later. The drunk driver only broke his leg and suffered other minor injuries, whereas the doctors did not think my brother-in-law was going to survive. To make matters worse, they used the flight for life to evacuate the illegal immigrant drunk driver by helicopter to the hospital, when he only had a broken leg and other minor injuries. My brother in law, who broke almost every bone in his body, to this day cannot drive for long distances, has one foot that broke in so many places, he cannot stand for very long times and needs special shoes, had to have large portions of his intestines removed, has difficulty eating, and suffered innumerable other injuries, was driven in an ambulance for about an hour and a half to the nearest critical care hospital. To make matters even more worse, they had no police guard outside the illegal immigrants hospital room and a couple of days after the accident he fled the hospital in his leg cast and presumably went back to Mexico and has never been seen since. I know this sounds so ridiculous, but it really happened like this.

On the opposite side of the issue, a cousin of mine killed a mother of young children while driving drunk and spent about four years in jail. Now those kids have no mother and my cousin has to live with the burden of what he has done for the rest of his life. Believe, me while the true victims are the friends and family of that women, especially her husband and children, it has also been very difficult for cousin to live with himself knowing what he has done. Just a terrible situation for everyone.

I think anyone with half a brain should be upset and demand changes in our laws. While I believe in freedom of choice and do not agree that alcohol should be restricted as marijuana currently is, it makes absolutely no sense why alcohol is so tolerated in our society considering all its ill affects; and, on the other hand, you cannot smoke a joint in the privacy of your own home without worrying that you are going to get busted. I for one say fuck everyone who disagrees.


yea, i think the mj smokers should take the law into there own hands since our government cant. the forbidon kingdom
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