The things you think when you are high


New Member
Someone just said to me that they would "Be back in the shake of a lamb's tail?" I asked him..."How long does it take for a lamb to shake it's tail anyway?"

What are you thinking?
This weekend was a strange one for me. I've noticed that recently I get WAY too into my own head when I'm stoned, and it becomes unenjoyable after awhile. I start thinking too deeply about whatever situation I'm in and I start feeling nervous and self-conscious. As a Psychology major, it's very interesting, because my interpretations of how people are feeling and why they feel that way are all spot on. I understand everything that's going on around me, so that's pretty cool, but it really takes away from the overall experience of being high. Most times ignorance is the better option, and too much insight can be mentally exhausting. Maybe it's because I've not been smoking as much since I'm away for school, but I hope my future experiences are different.

(Also, Monty Python is an absolute chore for me to watch when I'm stoned, even though I love it)
I don't know, but when I smoke, I can play my guitar like crazy! I come up with new ideas, riffs, and chords that I never thought of before. Outside of that, I think of time/space and how small we really are.:nicethread:
I feel the same way, MrGrunge, I'm a psych major also and have always done well in my psych classes, they're also the most fun, but I have found myself often thinking that I wish I hadn't learned so much about people haha
i am high as shit right now and now and i'am thinking[ that i am high as shit and i should'nt be thinking.]
whenever me and my friend would get up and smoke. we always end up talking about zombies. How cool it would be if their was a outbreak and we would have to fight for our lives. i think killing some zombies would be fun. especially if you build a small fortress and just start taking out zombies from a tower. i think i would hold up inside a walmart. they have everything clothes, guns, food and supplies.
of course I am stoned right now...when else would I cruise the 420 forums...

and right now I'm interested in the argument for ignorance. As a fan of poker (not a pro) I feel like I strive to understand people better, especially when they are motivated to lie, but I don't make any "real" effort other than maybe reading some poker books. I have considered learning more about psychology.

I've heard this argument before, though, from a close friend. One who may think she's closer than she is, because I do consciously make an effort to put up more of a guard. Then again, she sees through that so the guard actually becomes more of like a push I guess?

Anyway I could ramble on but my wife just got home so for now I am going to plead ignorance! :grinjoint:
During my working career, quite a few of the most outside the box, cost saving design applications I conceived were made while under the influence.

In looking back, I have to chuckle at the thought of receiving kudo's from private industry board members, and government project directors that, if truth be told, would have fired me on the spot for my use of cannabis.

What's the term? Oh yes. Cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The other night (Halloween) when I was stoned with a friend I came up to the subject of the show Flash Forward on ABC. The conversation continued on to the topic of the future and what it involves to know the future. Basically, in order for you to KNOW the future, the future must know, and plan for, you already knowing the future, because the future is always right. Therefore, for the future to be right, it must already know that you know the future, and how you will react and try and change your actions for the future, in order to make the future come true.

Damn, I wish I would record my stoney conversations sometimes.

I'm not even stoned right now, this is just what I remembered from the other night.
I start to think about how special and unique life is, I mean what are the freaking odds of being an only life form, or at least not encountering another....yet
Makes me appreciate life even more.

then i start to think about the future and if space travel is realisitic before this earth becomes depleted of resources.

Trippy shit bro!.lol
We're going to colonize mars by 2050. And we'll use LED's to farm.

I hope not, we are becoming monsters bro!
if this happens there will be no fear of being wasteful.
Next thing you know were ganna be going from planet to planet taking overshit.

Humans are losing the fight with inner conscious.
I could be thinkin 'bout anything, depending on my situation....LOL~
thought waves bounce around as I get more & more stoned~seems
like every high is jus a lil different~thats my take after a few
PEACE OUT :peace:
We're going to colonize mars by 2050. And we'll use LED's to farm.

So you're saying we'll have mars-grown bud in forty years? Excellent!
While that would be cool, I don't really think we'll have space bud by 2050. If anyone does do that, I'm sure they'll be keeping it for use up there anyway! Man, now that would be nice...taking a space hit with a view of the Earth!

But seriously, while searching for info on LED's it's hard not to come across articles about NASA's work with them. 2050 is just a number though, and considering how long it's taking anyone to build anything at Ground Zero, well, we'll just have to wait and see.

Besides, how would colonization work, anyway? How many of you think you could see yourselves leaving this planet for a life on Mars? It's not like I'm unhappy here! I'd love to go on a TRIP to Mars...but I'm pretty sure I'd like to come back home. Things like, you know, oceans and forests...I like them.

So, would the first civilians to go to Mars have to pay for the chance, or would they be compensated for their participation?
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