The times in which we live.

William Holden

New Member
I can honestly say that I really enjoy the time in which im now liviing, its an exciting time for the marijuana user. Cities are fighing the good fight, and despite the initiatives "not meaning anything" because state law overides local law, its nice to see that we're trying and the majority of people are seeing the truth about marijuana. I honestly do believe I will see legalized Marijuana in my life,whether it be for medical reasons, decriminalized, or just set as the nation's "lowest law enforcment priority", I think the time is coming.

I'm very excited to get on my computer each day to read news on Marijuana (not here, I get all my news elsewhere) and to see articles like, "Traverse City, Ferndale voters favor medical marijuana", "Ferndale OKs use of medical marijuana", "Bill to Assure Fair Trials for Medical Marijuana Patients ...", "Oregon High Court Hears Medical Marijuana Case", "Santa Cruz Okays City-run Medical Marijuana Distribution", etc.

Its a good time we're living in, I firmly believe that we'll soon not have to be such a paranoid bunch when it comes to smoking marijuana, maybe because its legal, or no one just really cares.
I can honestly say that I really enjoy the time in which im now liviing, its an exciting time for the marijuana user. Cities are fighing the good fight, and despite the initiatives "not meaning anything" because state law overides local law, its nice to see that we're trying and the majority of people are seeing the truth about marijuana. I honestly do believe I will see legalized Marijuana in my life,whether it be for medical reasons, decriminalized, or just set as the nation's "lowest law enforcment priority", I think the time is coming.

I'm very excited to get on my computer each day to read news on Marijuana (not here, I get all my news elsewhere) and to see articles like, "Traverse City, Ferndale voters favor medical marijuana", "Ferndale OKs use of medical marijuana", "Bill to Assure Fair Trials for Medical Marijuana Patients ...", "Oregon High Court Hears Medical Marijuana Case", "Santa Cruz Okays City-run Medical Marijuana Distribution", etc.

Its a good time we're living in, I firmly believe that we'll soon not have to be such a paranoid bunch when it comes to smoking marijuana, maybe because its legal, or no one just really cares.

Im just like you, i check weed news EVERYDAY.but because most media doesnt cover our misconceived issue many pot smokers are left in the dark about the tides of our "revolution" .to almost all americans it seems nothing has changed in the past 60 years & that makes it difficult to rally support for our noble cause of freedom. I advice everyone that does stay up to date to let all of their friends know all the battles were winning & theyll tell their friends(maybe in a slightly distorted sense but o well) that legalization is around the corner.
to me the assualt on the cannibis culture is just as descriminatory as the days of segregation. Hopefully people like marc emery & keith stroup will be viewed like MLKJ or rosa parks. Why shouldnt they be? they all fought for the equality or man,freedom & civil rights.
i know what you mean... a good time and place to be in the world, yet, slowly america is falling apart (at least the economy). but i aint gonna talk about fuckin politics. the weed legalization will come
i think that the worlds full of shit we need to cosider ourselves the only people we can change sooo i will strive to better myself and will continue using marijuana legal or not bought or grown. though the problem with it illegal is that i can only buy it at a certain cost and if it were legal i could grow all i need easily. I only say the worlds full of shit because of all the negative i see i know each person is their own. Ponder being born into America and being told you can live here in peace but you cant smoke pot. I find that F'd in alota ways. I think weed right now is not being watched its backseat to hard "drugs" but the way the average cop views a pothead as an easy bust thats just the way they are and nothing you tell them can change that so i will continue to strive for goodness and equality for all people but know this i will not stand by and be labled as a criminal while the real criminals are out murderin and stealing from old ladies to make a living i want to go to college and learn and be a working citizen in this F'd up world i wont discriminate because some one is not the same as me i wont hurt anyone for no reason i wont buy a gun i wont do drugs i will become a full grown and responsible adult and SMOKE POT.
but know this i will not stand by and be labled as a criminal while the real criminals are out murderin and stealing from old ladies to make a living

heres a fun fact, more people are arested each year on pot related charges then all violent crimes combined.
William Holden said:
I can honestly say that I really enjoy the time in which im now liviing, its an exciting time for the marijuana user.

Its a good time we're living in, I firmly believe that we'll soon not have to be such a paranoid bunch when it comes to smoking marijuana, maybe because its legal, or no one just really cares.
I hope you're right man ................
I can't really say I'm loving the current times, with Bush running things and all... People are wising up to the governments lies about MJ though, for sure, and that is anything but a bad thing.
But it should be pretty clear that there seems to be more support from the PEOPLE of this country, pushing to have it under control (whether that means legal, decriminalized, medical marijuana, or lowest law enforcment priority). The fact is, more people are fighting the good fight right now, than ever.

I just wish Indiana would get off its ass and attempt something.
"you could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. And that, I think, was the handle- that sense of inevitable victory over forces of old and evil. Not in any military sense, we didn't need that. Our energy would simply prevail." - Hunter S. Thompson (author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas)
"..slowly america is falling apart (at least the economy)." Mr OldS. Well put.

I have to agree.. we have abandoned the world class education system we used to have. I give it one more generation and goodbye to America as we know it.

Aside from that.. no place I'd rather be than right here, right now.:nomo:
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