things that make you go hmmm!


New Member
well i can remember not to long ago when the judge was cot smoking a joint in the park. but it makes me wonder if we are almost there people, the time is almost at hand. when there are athority figures doing it to and getting cot just how many others out there arnt getting cot, and when the vote is at hand....... HMM!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: things that make you go hmmm!!

What vote? There's no voting to legalize done by municipal cour judges.
There's a lot out there that haven't got caught, I don't think it means we're getting anywhere. The world is filled with greed and has been since the beginning of time. Some things will never change, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
A few more years, and a few more "bush style" republicians voted out of office, and we should have what it takes.

We have over run the battle front in the western states. We have scatter their forces into fragments in the eastern front. Work in the midwestern states is ramping up, and taking a strong voice in government.

The only thing left is to cut off their supply of tax payer dollars to cripple them to the point of surrender. And with this economy, now is the time to push harder then ever before.

To assure a win in todays politicial elections, a candiate must now win the 420 vote. More than half of american's favor legalization of marijuana.

County by county, state by state, election officials are being replaced with those who are pro legalization. At the very least, many are losing the election because of their strong stance to keep the plant illegal.

That reminds me of a story from about 20 years ago.
It seems that the local PD suspected that a young (under 18) woman was growing marijuana.
They got a warrent to search her room and served it at her (and her parent's) home.
While her dad was at the front door, reading the warrent, prepratory to letting the officers in, Mom was moving the plants into the parent's room.

The punchline; Dad was the chief of police of the local University of California.
Re: things that make you go hmmm!!

What vote? There's no voting to legalize done by municipal cour judges.
There's a lot out there that haven't got caught, I don't think it means we're getting anywhere. The world is filled with greed and has been since the beginning of time. Some things will never change, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

true that greed has and probably will be part of humanity for awhile, its a natural response to self preservation and providing for the offspring. truth is though that while we will still need to provide for ourselves and our children, we can do so without taking from others and becoming greedy.
truth is the truth and no one or anything can destroy that truth. what does this have to do with marijuana? almost forgot my point here. point is marijuana isnt that bad when used correctly, that truth cant covered up forever and as more and more realize it we'll be closer to legalization.
im too sober
One time a friend and I smoked a couple bowls in the woods, and as we were gathering wood/tinder for a campfire and we thought up a new way to save the forest..what if there was a Lumberjack pill? A pill that we give to lumberjacks to make them stop cutting down trees, but they don't know what the pill does. They just take the pill because it's called a Lumberjack pill, so obviously lumberjacks should take it, right?

That made me go hmmmm
^ lol, a lumberjack pill, how about jus plant some hemp all throughout a forest and everywhere, then they can cut down everything because theres so many weeds everywhere
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