Time To Give Up The Fight

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The 4th District Court of Appeals' rejection of San Bernardino County's frivolous challenge to California's long-standing medical marijuana law was not a surprise.

While the county's attorney and Board of Supervisors mull over whether to appeal the case to the California Supreme Court, there are some things they should take into account: Budget shortfalls to the tune of $17 million have brought about talk of serious cuts in county services. Crime and gang warfare are so commonplace just a few blocks from the steps of the county administration building that they are simply overlooked. Home values have slid 20 to 40 percent in much of the county due to the onslaught of foreclosures, which are certain to create a much larger deficit when the tax bills go unpaid.

If county supervisors choose to appeal this ruling to the Supreme Court, which has refused to hear a similar case already, they will be allowing a misguided ideology of obstruction to overwhelm their duties to serve our county. Medical marijuana is state law, like it or not.

Let's get with the program, implement the state medical marijuana ID program and save us the undoubtedly enormous legal bill of continuing in this futile fight against medical marijuana.


News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: San Bernardino County Sun
Copyright: 2008 San Bernardino County Sun
Contact: Home - San Bernardino County Sun
Website: Time to give up fight - San Bernardino County Sun
I don't know about San Bernadino but I heard San Diego decided to appeal to the State Supreme court.

And probably the US supreme court, then the UN after that :)

I think the easiest solution is to throw the bums out this coming election
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