Tip-off Leads to Cannabis


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An anonymous tip-off led Corowa police to find eight cannabis plants with a street value of $16,000 in a Corowa home on Wednesday afternoon.

Police raided the property at 2pm and after seizing the plants, they took in a Corowa man, 27, for questioning.

He was later charged with cultivating drugs and possessing prohibited drugs and will appear in the Corowa Court at a later date.

In a separate incident, Corowa police found stolen goods including power tools, car parts and computers in a Corowa house at midday on Wednesday.

Police issued a warrant to search the house after receiving information from the public.

Officers seized the items and charged a Corowa man, 19, with break and enter and various other property offences.

He will appear in the Corowa Court at a later date.

The arrest was part of an ongoing investigation into break-and-enters in the Corowa area.

Albury police acting crime manager Paul Gaye said the public should be applauded for helping police with their investigations.

"The public have really played a big part in both of these incidents and their information is extremely valuable when it comes to solving crimes," Acting Insp Gaye said.

"It's crucial that if people witness anything suspicious that they contact police and record things like the location of strange movements and licence plate registration numbers.

"Those things make it a lot easier for officers to carry out investigations."

Newshawk: user - <A HREF="420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking">420 Magazine</A>
Source: Border Morning Mail (Australia)
Pubdate: 3 November 2006
Copyright: 2006 Border Morning Mail
Contact: Border Morning Mail
Website: Article Here
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