To good to be true?


New Member
Hi everyone I am newbie and starting my first grow!

My seedling has sprouted and is growing real healthy, my setup is as follows. I got feminized seeds from Amsterdam on my last trip.

16 gal fish tank with a 35w T8 10000k florescent tube light. I am going to use this for sprouting, initial vegetative growth and growing clones once they have rooted.

I have on order 400w hps dual spectrum light and balast kit, auto soil water system called octo grow ( need this cause I travel 1 week ever two weeks), nutes, cloning kit and lights.

Once the seedling have grown for about 2 more weeks I will transplant them into a 16 gal pot and move it under the hps lights with a 18/6 light cycle. Currently I have the seedling on a 24 HR light cycle.

I still need to purchase a fan to get the circulation in order.

Anyways to the too good to be true part....I just measured the ph of the soil it is at 7.0 and my tap water is 6.5!

If you guys can suggest anything I am forgetting please let me know.

I am keeping a journal with pics.
hey trouble are you watering till you have sum run off at the bottom of your pots if not that can cause a biuld up in liquids are you using any nutes or is it just plane water hope you get your problem sorted and best off luck on your grow m8
hey trouble are you watering till you have sum run off at the bottom of your pots if not that can cause a biuld up in liquids are you using any nutes or is it just plane water hope you get your problem sorted and best off luck on your grow m8

Yep I water till it runs off and I am not using any nutes just yet going to wait a couple weeks more and keep monitoring the plant.
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