Too early? We shall see

I have no expectations, especially after killing the first 10. Anything I get that I can cure and store is bonus. Dunno...speculating sucks. Babies are coming along nicely and sending out fresh tendrils while buds keep growing, the height seems to have stopped.
Screenshot from 2018-07-10 19-15-09.png
Screenshot from 2018-07-10 19-14-43.png
Screenshot from 2018-07-10 19-14-20.png

Two strains, will have to check the details later. One CBD heavy but with some THC, the other a dwarf strain from Spain supposedly. The seeds were small in comparison to the earlier i started. All were feminized, auto flowering.

Variable weather, lots of cool damp days among some hot sunny ones.

Some eating holes in surrounding plants mostly, though I have one in the ground that is getting small holes eaten out of leaves. Doesn't look like slugs so I think its some kind of leaf miner. Doesn't seem like a big enough problem as long as it stays on the surrounding plants. I'm growing these weeds among some other plants, including one apple (5 grafts) a few grape vines, raspberry, blueberry, mint, spearmint...potatoes, peas, beans...
Getting bushy, but nights cooling off. Buds looking frosty. Potted plants doing better than those in the ground - less shade probably.
HA ha, well I got turfed from the competition, didn't read the rules - need more than 50 posts and cured buds! Time to post more picts.

I have pulled all four plants, and have tried some earlier from topping the main buds that were already prime and ready. They dried fast outside, about a week, then jar cured for another week. Not sure which is which strain, but it all tastes good and the first try knocked me back a step. Had to sit down and enjoy it!

Anyone want to see pictures?
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