Topping your plant more than once


Well-Known Member
I have a limited grow height (indoors), and wondered what the effect of topping the plant more than once, to keep the plant short, is going to have on the plant? Is this a viable and healthy solution to my problem? Any suggestions?

Hey sadhu.
I have seen people vegging up a plant to 2 feet tall, then literally repotting it onto its side. With a little bit of training of the underside branches.
As well it made all the lower branches show apical dominance. Was a heavy yield there :)
Hunt up supercropping info and the fimming technique.
You will be on your way...
I have a limited grow height (indoors), and wondered what the effect of topping the plant more than once, to keep the plant short, is going to have on the plant? Is this a viable and healthy solution to my problem? Any suggestions?


I top my Indica dominant plants about 4 times to create large mass bushes....My sativa dominant plants I just let go into trees.

Generally topping makes bushy plants and more bud sites, but can also slow down growth as well.

I like to top at first 4th or 5th node when young, then again when the new growth gets 3 or 4 nodes and so on.

If you do top many times be prepared to strip away the inner plant area, it will be so dense, proper airflow and disease can be a result if not watched carefully and will only yield tiny popcorn nugs from those areas anyway.

It's been best for me to grow one out and toy with topping or super cropping and see how it reacts and grows, take a few clones for next round and it gives you a much better idea for future grows and what it likes.
I'm still new to the growing but i topped this plant around 10 times just to see what it turns into. I had it in veg for 4 months till i put it in flower the first of this month.

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