
New Member
Greetings All!
I started these from seed on 2-12-2016. I would like some advice on when and how to trim for maximum buddage.:)


any help is greatly appreciated.
ew...they looking really yellow but they are a nice deep dark green...stoopid phone camera. Also, can and how would one recycle the used hydroponic water?
They will flower on their own, hence "Auto Flowering"
They're almost 5 weeks into Vegetation cycle, your lights should be 18/6 or around there. This plant will make buds without light change though.
Trimming is down to you looking to see if it is worth keeping the lower fan leave and branches. Trimming allows more energy to move to more important parts of the plant and isn't wasted on big fan leaves and pointless branches. Basically trim the bottom big leaves that shade a lot and draw a lot of energy.
If by trimming you mean some sort of LST/HST (Low/High Stress Training) I think you may be mistaken on the name of the technique.

Generally you don't want to top or crop auto plants too btw..

Hope this helps

ah gotcha. The light cycle is at 18/6. I was doing some reading on scrogging the plants...sounds interesting.

thanks a bunch, Trikk :)
You can't really scrog an auto though I just did some autos let it grow till right at he start of flower and I snapped her top over to the side and sorta like topping it. But I'd become firmiliar with the plant strain before doing anything. See how they grow and can make every branch a cola. I wouldn't top the tall one maybe the smaller 2 maybe. Lst IMO
ScrOG is hard to do with Auto because they're generally smaller. All you should do is some LST by pulling the tallest bud down sideways a bit until equal height with the rest of the plant. It will no longer think that it is the most important bud and send energy to the surrounding buds.
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