Tripbag's Soil White Widow Auto, Purple Kush, '91 K-OG Chemdawg Grow Journal 2019


420 Member
Hey there growers, I've started my first journal for my first indoor grow so that I can get well learned input, and look back at this time fondly, hopefully. I may have gone a bit overboard for a first time grow, but I was excited to get started after it became legal in Canada. I have a prescription of 2g a day that I use to treat PTSD, and I am on disability AND work as much as I can, but since disability programs in any province or territory in Canada refuses to cover cannabis, I simply can't afford it anymore. However, I also don't want my name on a list of people who grow in case legislation changes, so I waited for the 4 plant maximum instead of applying to Health Canada as one may, since I only use UP TO 2g a day.

Enough about the why. Now the what and the how.

1 - White Widow Auto from Crop King Seeds - germinated in paper towel, put right into a tall plastic 11L pot with Pro-Mix HP right from germination on Dec 21, 2018. Used LST successfully.
- 60% Indica / 30% Sativa / 10% Ruderalis
- Currently in early flower. It is an autoflower with 10 weeks flowering time, and it is on day 40 after going in soil. Seems to have gone into flower right away as it was supposed to. First pistils presented themselves 20 days after germination.

2/3 - Purple Kush from Crop King Seeds - germinated in paper towel, put seed with taproot into a Solo Cup filled with Pro-mix HP on Dec 19, 2018. Transplanted into 3 gallon fabric pots with same soil.
-75% Indica / 25% Sativa
-Currently in late veg. Female preflowers started in the 3rd week (day 25).

4 and "the culled ones"- '91 K-OG Chemdawg - I found some seeds in my prescription cannabis from Aurora Cannabis Co. in Canada. Not sure the exact genetics, but it was sold as a Sativa. It is absolutely a hybrid, and has presented itself as indica dominant, despite this. Not sure how the seeds formed, and if cross pollination from another strain may have occurred, but I feel that would be unlikely considering the cleanroom-like environments of professional Canadian cannabis greenhouses
-Currently in Day 46 after germination. Also put them into Solo cups to start, then transplanted two into 3 gallon fabric pots, one of which was culled once the favourite was picked. The final one was put into a clay pot which was also about 3 gallons. It was not a hard cull, the 3rd one. Male pre flowers.

GROW TENT: Using 3'x3'x6'5" Fusion Hut tent. This tent does the trick, I suppose. Lets a bit too much light through the passive intake vents in my opinion. There are covers with velcro, but they are a pain in the ass to prop up during lights-off hours, so that the light doesn't shine through my windows and into the tent, but the vents aren't covered. Tried to duct tape a cut-to-fit Filtrete electrostatic filter hammock over the vents, and build a meth-head-esque blackout box around it, but the material doesn't even let duct tape stick to it. Space age resistance to adhesives or something lol.
LIGHTING: Two Meizhi 300W Reflector series. They have Veg/Bloom independent switches. They are brighter than the sun. I accidentally caught it in the eyes without my safety glasses on when I looked up into them examining the underside of a leaf and I actually felt dizzy and disoriented like somebody threw a flashbang at me for about 30 seconds. Everything looked green for about 20 minutes. I would have liked to see longer AC cables for these, but love the daisy chain function, and they were shipped with every diode working. The manufacturer had a fast response when I tested them with a question about height during seedling stage.
AIR/VENTILATION - Vivosun 4" Inline Ventilation Fan. I opted for the longer plastic one, not the stubby metal one. They were said to be ultra quiet, but to be honest, there is a very persistent high frequency wobbling noise that the fan makes. I can hear it anywhere in my house, and started sleeping with ear plugs. Talking to Vivosun about a replacement, since there MAY be an issue with it. The noise gets worse when I turn the fan down, which is the opposite of how it should be. I am also using the 4 inch carbon filter, and filtering the passive intake vents through electrostatic pre filters as well. I also have two small fans running just above the canopy, on opposing poles from each other so that the air circulates well.

Temperatures have been between 73 to 82 during lights ON, and 63 to 70 at lights OFF during actual nighttime. The temps have varied, but nothing too outrageous. My house isn't well sealed, the LED's aren't hot at all, it's winter in Canada, and I am still figuring out proper fan settings. Definitely cooler than preferable usually, keeping around 73-75 during day and 65 at night. But at least the difference between day/night is there.

Humidity/RH: Lately, it has been pretty consistently between 47% and 51% humidity. It jumps up to 60% after watering for an hour or so, and then goes back down to 55% for another couple hours before getting back into the 50% range.

pH: going in, always right around 6.5. Run-off, unsure, because the soil colours the test colour. Gotta get a pH meter soon.

Pests? Oh boy. Let me tell you about Russet Mites. At least I think that's what they are. I am waiting for my microscope to arrive. Will take nature photos. How I might have introduced them into my tent mid-winter I may never understand fully. These mites tend to take preference to certain plants, apparently...and of course, they chose the one that has already gone into flower - the White Widow Autoflower. This makes keeping them at bay quite a task, but I am thankful that I hadn't already put them all into flower before noticing. Since the auto isn't deep into flower, I used a light insecticidal soap on the leaves that looked affected. This caused some leaf burn, even though I applied when the lights were off a few days ago. Looks like it got some of them, but surely not all. My mother helped me out by catching some ladybugs that were stuck ion my parent's house, so I introduced them last night and watched them basically mow the lawn up and down the leaves. I can't see the russet mites, but the ladybugs looking like they found food, along with the kind of leaf damage (blistering, mimicking an iron deficiency, smaller new growth), as well as miniscule specks under the leaves make me quite certain that this is the issue.

I am only watering every few days. Like I said, the temperatures have been quite low on this grow, so there is not much evaporation. I am also fertilizing with every feed as a result of this, since I am not losing fertilizer to run-off...and my plants don't seem to have any complaints about it, either.

Fertilizer: Remo Nutrients. A local hydro store had them, and I had seen it used successfully in various YouTube videos. Using the Grow, MagNiFiCal, Micronutrients for Veg plants, and Bloom, MagNiFiCal, Micros, and Astro Flower for the White Widow now. I have been doing about 1/4 strength, but increased the Micros and MagNiFiCal to full strength on the 2nd to last recent feeding, because of the "iron deficiency" the pests have been mimicking. No burns, but I started to question the problem when I didn't see more than a minor reduction in Clorosis (yellowing) of new growth.

I will post photos when the lights come back on later. I fell a bit behind on setting this journal has been a long month. If anybody has advice, or thinks I have missed something helpful, let me know!
Lights are on, so here are some photos. The tall one is the white widow, which has done some stretching, being the only one flowering currently. You can see some of the damage from the pests and insecticidal soap treatment on the leaves, as well as the yellowing/chlorosis on various tops, especially on the PK. Minor signs of stress, possibly from the low night temps in the form of reddening of the petrioles.


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Here's the only ladybug I can find right now.


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Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

I know I let this journal fall to the wayside, but it has been a very busy February for me. My bad!

Abyways, as of today, March 3, the White Widow Autoflowers is just about ready for harvest. I had been giving it a 1/4 dosing of Remo Blooms, Astro, Micro, and MagNiFiCal, and it did very well for the first part of the grow. In the future, I will need to up the Astro and Bloom in the weeks just prior to flushing, since I noticed what I believe to be a potassium deficiency. Purple edges (especially at the top near the largest buds) and some dark spots in the center of the smaller fan leaves which saw the most light. I moved the lights away to make sure it wasn't the lights, and the issue continued. Anyways, I'm harvesting this one this week and expect about 2 ounces. Not a great yield, but for my first time, I am not completely dissatisfied.

The '91 K-OG Chemdawg turned Hermaphroditic. Not sure the reason. Also, the stem became woody, and upon inspecting for pollen sacs, which I have been cutting off successfully, the stem actually split vertically at the knuckle where I topped the plant. Strangely, it didn't seem to mind. And the buds are starting to come out well now at the start of week 5 of flower. I expect a 10 week flower for the Chemdawg.

The Purple Kush... Well I accidentally broke the top off of ne during low stress training that I left far too late due to my work keeping me busy. It has shown some signs of stress, but the top has not died yet, as I taped it back on, and no longer need tape to keep the stem together after a couple weeks. Both PK are seeing some good bud growth, and both they and the Chemdawg will yield significantly more than the White Widow... Or so I expect... I also expect 3 more weeks of flower, since it is an 8 week strain, and is starting Week 5 now.


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To clarify how I dealt with the mites - the plants hardly noticed after I sprayed with fatty acids of potassium salts and neem oil (on separate days two days apart) but the mites sure did. They stopped breeding entirely and within three days I noticed the damage had stopped... Just some leaf burn from the soaps that made identifying the potassium deficiency early on impossible.
The white widow is still wanting more time to ripen (and to be honest I don't mind a couch lock high with some CBN and CBD if it goes a day over suddenly), and I just upped the dose of Remo nutrients for week 5 of the Purple Kush and Chemdawg. I haven't had to adjust pH once the entire grow, so I'm supremely happy with the fertilizers from Remo. I'll post another reply later tonight once I finish feeding and trimming up the taller PK for most current update
Oh and my ppm has been very low on this grow. I have kept it around the 300 range and my new mixture of the upped dosage is about 360ppm
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