Undergorund growing a.k.a. bunker weed

Have very many fellow flower lovers given any thought to building and growing out of an underground shelter or greenhouse? I have an already dug, root seller/fallout shelter type excavation that is 30x25 and 10 feet deep. I have been studying "Mike Oehler's" $50 and up underground house book and his newer The Earth Sheltered Solar Greenhouse Book and am wondering if anyone here has or has been thinking of growing underground?
I am thinking since where I live Sun is no problem, why can't I grow outdoors in the winter? I know I will have to take a lot of things into consideration, like the angle of the sun in the winter mean temperature, etc...
Please anyone with ideas, tips or just 2 cents please reply.
I too plan on experimenting with outdoor growing this winter. Not in a heated bunker but just in raised garden beds that have shade screens above them to stop snow.

I also heard from a really good local gardener that if you put black plastic sheeting over your soil and cut little slits in it for the plants to pop through it insulates the soil keeping it warm.

Futhermore decomposting compost is quite hot. So thats another way to get warmth.
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