Unsure of time to harvest

I'm awaiting delivery of my new Arizer Q model vaporizer and hope it can ease my damaged lungs. At 65yo and do not have healthy lungs stricken with pulminary gangrene. Does anyone here use this vaporizer? I have never used a vape before. I tried a Arizer Solo but it was defective and traded up to the Q and it should be here in a few days.
Also, they sell a concentrates head too. I don’t have one, I wonder how it works?
Yeah, that looks like the one. I have a rare lung disease and my hope is this vaporizer will help eliminate painful pipes. My bong even hurts a little. Cleaning the pipes are a drag too. I never smoke rolled herb if I'm smoking alone.

I bought the Arizer Solo but it was defective so I returned it as a trade up to the Extreme Q. This weekend will be my first vape experience. And I just started smoking my new Gelato autoflower that turned Killa after a month long proper cure. And when that weed hits in the vaporizer it might be even better than from the bong. This is by far the best weed I've grown so far (and all my homegrown has been great).
Yeah, that looks like the one. I have a rare lung disease and my hope is this vaporizer will help eliminate painful pipes. My bong even hurts a little. Cleaning the pipes are a drag too. I never smoke rolled herb if I'm smoking alone.

I bought the Arizer Solo but it was defective so I returned it as a trade up to the Extreme Q. This weekend will be my first vape experience. And I just started smoking my new Gelato autoflower that turned Killa after a month long proper cure. And when that weed hits in the vaporizer it might be even better than from the bong. This is by far the best weed I've grown so far (and all my homegrown has been great).
You will not be disappointed. It’s the best way to taste it. I still like to smoke, but you definitely shouldn’t be smoking it. (with bad lungs.) A vape is made for you. I hope you enjoy it!
Bit back story.
5weeks of veg
9 weeks into flower. I am learning as I go so I tried a few different techniques at the same time just for my own trial and error and to see how different strains grow. 2 are unknown seeds the tallest is Tange bag seed the other big pot is pineapple x supersilver x kush I got online somewhere. So as u can see the Tange got away from me lol and had to manage my light space best I could so it's improvised. So my question is when is the best time to harvest some leaves are turning yellow, although I have been just giving water only for last 6 days so that is my thinking on the leaf issue, the top bud i noticed is still producing new bud as u see from pics pushing out to the sides. I'll show u some pics from each plant 4 total. I used biobizz biogrow with fox farm open seaseme after week 3 veg. Into flower used biobizz biobloom along with foxfarm beastiebloom after week 2 of flower. After week 8 I flushed and started with biobizz topmax with foxfarms cha-ching upto week 10 and just straight 6.9ph, my water always 6.9ph (Scottish coutryside water is the best ). Any comments and advice is always welcome this is only my second attempt so go easy one me lol

Yummy looking flowers Dazz
The worst part of harvesting is the 5 or 6 week long curing. The wait is agonizing! But proper curing is a must to find the best results. For example, my Gelato auto was great after 2 weeks cure but turned into a Killer at 5 weeks curing.

Now I'm confused. I thought Cobb's are a type of grow light so how do those affect curing after the harvest. But my cannabis, kungfu is weak! I have two 1100 watt LEDs ($125 each) in my 4X2ft closet grow. My budget won't permit anything more costly. I get pretty good results in quality and flavor thus far! If it is harsh, I don't see the diff. I follow any sound advice I receive around here if it dosen't conflict with my bank balance. My social security is cost restrictive.
Cobs are puck lights but there is also a method of curing called cobs that has nothing to do with lights.
Cobs in the curing world are made from fresh harvest buds that are highly compressed and sealed air tight, it is sweated at 104 degrees for 24 hours and then reopened, dried, resealed and cured. It’s a long cure so it’s like a weed savings bank. The weed ferments in a sense.

Here’s a pic right after the sweat. After the cobs are properly cured and dried - they can be chewed and eaten for a buzz or torched in traditional manner... pipe papers bong vaporizer - the smoke is very smooth.... big monster hits with no cough. Cobs are the opposite of harsh - it’s kinda like water cured but water cured washes all of the taste & terps....with cobs it does not wash out the taste & terps. Here’s a link Cobs its a long thread but page 1 give the steps. They can be made with vacuum sealer or wrapped in dried corn husks from Mexican food section at your grocery store. I don’t have a vacuum sealer so the dried corn husk were $2...... but if you have lung issues this might be the ticket.

It looks like something I can try some day. So Cob as in corn cob?

Today I am waiting for my new Arizer Q to arrive and I hope to see if it helps with my Pulminary Gangrene condition. .
Roger that like corn cobs! Oh wow, that doesn’t sound good at all. I’m sorry to hear that. I need to switch back to vape, speaking of alternatIves.....

Made a pretty tasty green dragon and I’m getting a fair amount of my meds sub lingual. I did master wu green dragon you can search for step by step but I washed 4 zips of decarbed Pakistan Valley with 10 ounces 151 black rum. Cooked it down at 180 degrees Fahrenheit for 4 hours and it rendered 5 liquid ounces. Add liquid soy lecithin & stir while warm. Eat a fatty snack or meal in the morning 20 minutes before dosing...this bypasses the liver but microdosing three ml and do not swallow- hold it under your tongue and on top of your tongue, that’s got some trich mileage. I’m treating some health issues too so I’m trying to switch to more oral dose & less combustion. If I can get the bulk of my meds working via green dragon or rso oil then I can blaze a few hits to fine tune my dose

you should also look into rso tacking.... that’s where the real meds are. Basically you made Rick Simpson Oil and tack or attach a piece of it to the dimples in your gum line. The piece of rso for a starting dose is the size of a 1/2 grain of rice. Read the medical thread, 420Motoco and CajunCelt did a lot of work here and SweetSue jumped in later to carry the ball but they have treated tons of stuff with this. You have to grow steady harvests to have enough for concentrating it. Medical
If you're speaking to me, I don't speak geek. Everything you just posted is either geek or Greek, To me.

I was raised by a Greek step father and only taught one vulgar cuss phrase.
Yes, I was speaking to you. I’m not a geek but my health issues are chronic but comparatively mild when compared to yours. I felt it was necessary to dig in deep and learn new methods.

Green dragon is where you wash the trichomes off of your buds with alcohol so you can ingest them with or without smoking. Less smoke = better lungs. Sub lingual means dosing the liquid weed from the green dragon wash and putting it under your tongue to absorb.

Rick Simpson oil is very similar- you wash the goodies off of the plant using alcohol. But instead of dosing under your tongue... you thicken the rso oil with liquid soy lecithin and attach a small piece of sticky cannabis oil / tar into the gum line of your mouth. This provides a long slow dose of cannabis to be absorbed into your body over the duration of the day. There are healing and medicinal values in weed besides just getting high.

I was curious if you had ever tried different methods of consuming especially since your mentioned lung problems.
Have you seen the price of alchohol lately?

May I concede to this stuff as being over my head? I only began using herb within the past 5 years and started growing 2 years ago. I found my groove and have not ventured any deeper until this vaporizer. Before my first plant grow, I had never seen a cannabis plant in my 65 yr lifetime. This is all new to me!

Plus, I had at least one minor stroke so my learning curve is shortened and the past few weeks my heart is acting up too.

I am treating my lung disease by decreasing my actual smoking of my pipes and flame with this vaporize. Still trying to understand this machine.. but I am getting too tired to get into it so I'm going to the bong AND the couch.

I'm in the market for a good doctor that doesn't discriminate over cannabis. I need to renew my medical card so I can taste new strains so I can look for new seeds.
Same here my friend. During my 28 years of marriage, Because of her being a lifelong sick person, I didn't smoke around her. I respected her religious beliefs and only got my medical card 2 years before her death 3 years ago. She was a real Straight Lace lady. Made me into a much better person (most of the time).

I think you'll like the vape, I bought the simple whip one they have. Works great, if it seems like it isnt, turn it up higher. I know it may sound high to others mine is set at 426F. It may be off (I think so) but I get the effects and its a whole other level type results. Now it doesn't burn but it will leave you coughing if you aren't prepared but not anywhere close to dabs or hash oil..those to are a whole other level.. these all have different buzzes but near everyone always smokes a bit to go along with it and it enhances it different combinations. Glad this is helping you out and keep puffing
Thank you SoGnotSOG321 (wow what a difficult screen name)..

I actually haven't tried tried any alternatives to smoking except for ONE time a DAB of wax in a glass pipe.

I purchase the Q in Hope's it will be better for my lung condition (pulminary gangrene) and I do think it's a special kind of buzz. The advantage is, all that plant matter is not being inhaled.

I just don't like how long it takes to achieve that level, (even at 425° ish). Thus far, I prefer the balloon and I need to go through 2 or 3 bags. That's about a 15 or 20 minute session, whereas 2 hits on my bong and done.

The vape lasts about the same hour as the bong. I realize that the product being inhaled is much "cleaner" and gentler with the vape.

I'm a miser with my stash and visually, that dried out, spent plant material is hard to accept as being of little further value.

I need to experiment with the whip and the temps.
Some old guy not sea of green..
It has OG in it twice but I'm also not some old gangster, I was never that popular lol . I know the feeling watching the spent vape material get thrown out.
If you have the one with the fan and bags it'll be much easier on your breath-e things and probably help kick that sh!t out..
The "Lazarus" type vape I have will leave you coughing at the higher temps more so than the lower ones where those first highs start at. With regards to temps the bag wont hold the heat but will deliver those higher temp compounds. See if a different setting gives better results or possibly a mixture, some fresh low temp, then raise it on a fresh pack, two different bags. There may (probably) be a perfect combination in there somewhere that can fit you.
I do have the full package Arizer supreme Q. So far I prefer the balloon bags. I don't like how long (at 400+°f) it takes me to fill them 3 times with enough to get there vs. two full pulls on my bong.
The amount of herb is the same but just filling 3 the bags (400°on low fan) takes so long. My long whip attachment is harder for me to use effectively.

Pennywise mentioned saving the crumbs and using it to make butter. I don't smoke very much so that'll me a year or more to save up that much.
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